Apple is working on a search engine of its own...
In today’s world of instant information on a pocket-sized device and the massive proliferation of the phrase, “Just Google it!” it’s hard to imagine using any other search engine to find the…
By way of Chicago, Olusola “Shala.” Akintunde is a Nigerian American contemporary artist, producer, and pioneer in the medium of Solar Art.
This device definitely brings the onset of shows such as ‘Black Mirror’ and ‘Altered Carbon’ closer to reality.
YouTuber Jim Browning goes above and beyond to not only try to warn people about certain internet scams but also to dismantle them completely.
What is society’s biggest influence if not the symbols and images it idolizes? That’s what makes these CGI influencers terrifying.
How Marvel set up their universe is incredible and it has taken movie-making to new levels of efficiency in storytelling.
The Neurotechnology industry is focused on the next step of human civilization.
Video games are more and more interesting because the environment and characters can adapt to a change in the situation.
There couldn’t be two more separate ends of the spectrum than Joe Rogan and Elon Musk.
Surveillance has taken on a new form in 2018.