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The Obamas get a Netflix deal: What to expect from the new producers

On Tuesday, Barack and Michelle announced that their newly found production company, Higher Ground Productions, have seven projects in the works for Netflix.

The former President and First Lady initially inked a multiyear production deal in 2018 to produce shows and films for the streaming service. But it’s just coming into fruition now.

The deal stipulates that the Obamas reach span to 148 million paying subscribers. Plus, their production company cover a wide spectrum of programming.

Although expansive, the New York Times reported that they have no interest in engaging in America’s newest favorite pastime — bashing Trump. They’d rather focus on cultural enrichment. Mr. Obama said in a statement,

“Touching on issues of race and class, democracy and civil rights and much more, we believe each of these productions won’t just entertain, but will educate, connect and inspire us all.”

Higher Ground Productions currently has seven projects that are in the works for Netflix. The production company plans on releasing a post-World War II drama series entitled Bloom as well as a biopic adapted from the Pulitzer-winning Frederick Douglass: Prophet of Freedom, by David W. Blight.

The slate also includes the documentary Overlooked, based on the NYT series that post obituaries of people whose deaths were previously reported in the newspaper. And for the kids, they’re introducing a half-hour preschool series entitled, Listen to Your Vegetables & Eat Your Parents.

Knowing the Obamas, these programs are most likely going to be full of gems that we all need to hear. The official release date has not announced, but until then peep the full slate below:

“American Factory,” a documentary that examines life in Ohio where a Chinese billionaire opened a factory in a former General Motors plant and hired 2,000 people. Higher Ground Productions described the film, produced by Participant Media and directed by Steven Bognar and Julia Reichert, as “early days of hope and optimism give way to setbacks as high-tech China clashes with working-class America.” The documentary was already shown at the Sundance Film Festival, and Higher Ground Productions said it would be its first release.

“Bloom,” a drama series set in post-World War II New York that will explore the “barriers faced by women and by people of color in an era marked by hurdles but also tremendous progress.” It will be produced by Callie Khouri, who wrote “Thelma & Louise.”

A film adaptation of “Frederick Douglass: Prophet of Freedom,” the Pulitzer Prize-winning biography by David W. Blight. Higher Ground did not announce a screenwriter or any producers.

An adaptation of a New York Times series, called “Overlooked,”about people whose deaths were previously not reported by the newspaper. The obituaries have been published in a recurring feature in the paper. Higher Ground Productions said it would be a scripted anthology series.

A series based on “The Fifth Risk: Undoing Democracy,” a book by Michael Lewis.

“Crip Camp,” a documentary film about the origins of the disability rights movement.

“Listen to Your Vegetables & Eat Your Parents,” a half-hour series for preschoolers that will “take young children and their families around the globe on an adventure that tells us the story of our food.”

Why it’s highly problematic to call Beto O’Rourke the white Obama

Beto O’Rourke, born Robert Francis O’Rourke, just raised $6.1 million in 24 hours after announcing his candidacy for president. And this was after people started calling him “Barack Obama, but white.”

The group of Democratic candidates that have added their names to the list is more diverse than ever and here comes a white guy with no political platform except “If you have all the answers why show up?”

What does he stand for? What does he believe in? In an interview with WaPo Beto was asked about his political views and plans. His answers contained a whole lot of nothing.

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He’s supposedly energizing the Democratic base but who is being energized?

So far all we know is that he’s well liked in Iowa, because he’s the “nice guy candidate.” Chuck Todd from Meet The Press, described Obama as also the “nice guy” candidate which is what made him likable in Iowa during his campaign back in 2008.

Besides the “nice guy” claim and his youth, Beto and Obama do not have any other similarities.

During his campaign, President Obama talked about health care reform, energy consumption, protecting the environment, and increasing taxes on the wealthy.

These were just some of his campaign promises and although campaign promises can be vague they should not be flip-floppy. Beto has already gone back on his support of the Affordable Care Act calling it “just one of the ways that we get to ensure high-quality health care.”

Calling Beto the white Obama is disrespectful. It does a disservice to the actual campaign that President Obama ran as well as Barack’s accomplishments before running for president.

As Senator, Barack Obama sponsored bills that would go after lobby corruption and reduce greenhouse gases. He was also a champion for children’s access to healthcare.

Beto got his political start in the spotlight when he lost the Texas Senatorial race to incumbent Ted Cruz with a slim margin. Texas is usually a red state which is why this narrow loss is considered such an achievement.

A Vanity Fair cover of O’Rourke with the quote “I want to be in it. Man, I’m just born to be in it” says it all.


Beto is running in part because he feels it’s his birthright, and so far the only thing that he stands for is the fact that he is a privileged white male candidate.

White Privilege GIF

Obama was our first Black president, Beto would be our first white male president to acknowledge his privilege.

Regardless, Beto is just another white guy that does the bare minimum and is celebrated for being halfway decent.

So how is he like President Obama again?

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Meet the male world leaders advocating for feminism everywhere

I’m a sucker for a man who’s a strong advocate of women’s rights.

There’s something so sexy about men who can support, encourage, and partake in feminism.

While it’s a nice feat to have on the dating roster, let’s not forget how essential it is for our world leaders to carry.

Feminism is on the rise, and though we’ve progressed drastically over the past couple of decades, we still have a long way to go.

Luckily, we have important figures who are proud to attach themselves to the feminist title, and are helping us make changes towards an equal world, one day at a time.

Justin Trudeau

Canadian Prime Minister (and heartthrob – my adoration for Mr. & Mrs. Trudeau is no secret) Justin Trudeau has been very open about his feminist support in the past.

“We shouldn’t be afraid of the word ‘feminist,” said Trudeau in a powerful reminder statement at the World Economic Forum in Davos.

Trudeau’s wife Sophie is a well-known philanthropist who dedicates a lot of her time to empower and fight for women,

Support isn’t the only way Trudeau shows his pride. The Prime Minister has spoken about the importance of raising your children to be proud feminists.

In a United Nations youth empowerment campaign last month, Trudeau spoke about being an advocate for HeforShea UN movement that strives to create a gender-equal world.

“Being a feminist for me means recognizing that men and women should be, can be, must be equal and secondly, that we still have an awful lot of work to do,” said Trudeau, as Sophie cheered him on.

Marie Claire published an essay penned by Trudeau titled, “Why I’m Raising My Kids to be Feminists.”

In it, the Prime Minister writes,

“I was talking about teaching Ella that she can be anything she wants to be. Sophie said, ‘That’s great, but how are you raising your sons to be strong advocates for women and girls, too?’”

We can be sure the Trudeau’s have our back when it comes to feminist issues, and will continue to inspire and educate others to do so for a long time – and we love them for it.


Barack Obama

Who could forget President Barack Obama’s equal pay plan, announced early last year, just months before his term ended?

Obama introduced the plan during the anniversary of the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act. The piece of legislation allows women to file equal pay lawsuits for up to 6 months after they receive their final paycheck.

“What kind of example does paying women less set for our sons and daughters?” Asked Obama, setting the tone for the unveiling of equal pay.

The plan required all companies to turn over gender, race, and ethnicity statistics so that there would be a stronger sense of missing links between women and the workforce.

And of course, the stunning former-First Lady Michelle Obama has done her fair share to help support feminism.

Michelle started the Let Girls Learn initiative to help women around the world get the education they deserve, and has since celebrated its first successful year.

Shameless swoon… Just look at ’em.

Prince Harry

Last year, Prince Harry gave a moving speech in Nepal, during a Girls Summit visit.

“Whether it’s a girl in Lesotho living with  HIV; or the talented young woman in Britain who doesn’t get taken seriously because of where she grew up; or the 14 year old girl forced out of school so she can get married here in Nepal; we need to acknowledge that so many countries and cultures are failing to protect the opportunities of young women and girls in the way they do for boys.”

Going on to cite the woman President of Nepal, Bidhya Devi Bhandari, Michelle Obama, and activist Malala Yousafzai as role models for girls and women everywhere, Harry then spoke of the larger challenges girls face in the world: That globally, 62 million girls are not getting the education they should be.

“Two thirds of the nearly 800 million people who were never taught to read and write are women,” said Harry. He went on,

“Female leadership in Nepal now sets a powerful example, with women occupying the roles of President and Speaker. But the biggest reason for our optimism are the inspiring girls and boys in this room who care so much about changing attitudes towards young women in this country… I am proud to stand with you today.”

Nearly brings a tear to my eye.

Kevin de León

Growing up in a household with an immigrant single mother, California senator Kevin De León has made it his personal mission to tackle the hardships that women in America face.

The California politician has shown his support by authoring “several pieces of legislation to support breastfeeding by new mothers,” after learning that women who are from lower-income backgrounds breastfed their babies less than wealthier, white women.

In his time as senator, De León has shown his support for overtime pay rights for nannies, helped pass the strongest pay act in the United States thus far, and increased access to childcare, according to the Women’s Foundation of California.

De León’s personal struggles growing up don’t weigh him down. This politician is using his experience and knowledge to make the world a better place for women, and thriving as he does so.

These men set a perfect example for all men everywhere. The more we normalize “feminist” culture, the faster we’ll see developments in our society.

Sen. Ron Johnson: John McCain’s brain tumor may have led to ‘No’ vote on Obamacare repeal

Senator Ron Johnson, a Republican from Wisconsin, claimed during a radio interview yesterday that John McCain’s brain tumor possibly contributed to the former presidential candidate’s decision to vote “no” on repealing Obamacare.

Appearing on AM560 “Chicago’s Morning Answer,” Sen. Johnson told the host about the process leading up to the doomed vote, according to CNN:

“We did get a call from Paul (Ryan) and he assured us that skinny repeal was not going to pass the House it would have to go to conference.”

Johnson then went on to single out John McCain, and his health, for the failures of the GOP to repeal Obamacare without a replacement.

The Wisconsin Senator said:

“Again, I’m not gonna speak for John McCain — he has a brain tumor right now — that vote occurred at 1:30 in the morning, some of that might have factored in.”

“Chicago’s Morning Answer” responded in audible shock, “really?”

Seems like a solid time to say “no, not really.” John McCain’s brain tumor had nothing to do with the vote failing and as the Arizona Senator has explained, he instead wanted to have a replacement before repealing Obamacare.”

But nah, Ron Johnson didn’t do that. He kept on going, talking about the fact that it was late at night when McCain voted:

“Again, I-I-I don’t know exactly what — we really thought — and again I don’t want speak for any senator. I really thought John was going to vote yes to send that to conference at 10:30 at night. By about 1, 1:30, he voted no. So you have talk to John in terms what was on his mind.”

Later in the day, Ronny had some regrets about blaming John McCain’s brain tumor for not being able to take healthcare away from millions of Americans. Johnson issued a statement expressing his disappointment:

“I’m disappointed I didn’t more eloquently express my sympathy for what Sen. McCain is going through. I have nothing but respect for him and the vote came at the end of a long day for everyone.”

John McCain then issued his own statement to CNN, calling Senator Johnson’s comments ‘unfortunate’:

“It is bizarre and deeply unfortunate that Senator Johnson would question the judgment of a colleague and friend. Senator McCain has been very open and clear about the reasons for his vote.”

I’m not really in the business of defending John McCain or his faux-righteousness, but it seems pretty unfair for Johnson to blame the GOP failing to get the necessary votes to repeal Obamacare on McCain’s brain cancer.

Just another in day in American politics, folks!

Barack Obama has been swagging off nonstop since dipping office

It’s been over seven months since swaggy Barry left the White House and we’re just sitting here butthurt as an entire nation.

Even the biggest Trump supporters can’t enjoy how the first months of the Trump presidency has gone.

It’s a never-ending stream of negative news. Historically low poll numbers, special investigations, and a revolving door of fired aides have kept the Trump administration in a constant, tiring state of non-action.

Trump and his Republican Congress have passed zero substantial legislation.

Remember when everyone bugged out that Obama wore a tan suit? Comparatively, Trump’s scandals involve top-secret dossiers compiled by agents wherein the details include golden showers from Russian prostitutes and Manchurian candidacy.

But we’re not here to talk about Trump.

This is about yung Barack Obama, who led our country with dignity for eight great years.

Since he’s left office, Obama has kept a relatively low profile, but his moves have reminded us how lucky we were to have him and how trash our current situation is.

Obama has held a couple low-key meetings with world leaders and a New York Times article addressed how much the rest of the world respected Obama,

“The former president’s situation is complicated by the fact that he remains extremely popular in most of the world — starkly contrasting with Mr. Trump — meaning foreign leaders can easily use a meeting with Mr. Obama to their political advantage at home.”

Barry also helped induct Jay-Z into the Songwriters Hall of Fame. Dude is just the coolest.

Recently the Obamas copped a crib not too far from the White House. Obama shadow government? I’m down.

I’m writing this during Obama’s birthday so I’d just like to wish our former president the happiest of 56th birthdays and say WE MISS YOU BARRY.