Console gaming has been a popular way of gaming for the past decade. With many consoles comes different controllers of varying shapes and buttons.
Very soon, controllers start to add up and you’re forced to re-learn that console’s controls all over again. This makes having multiple consoles super frustrating as controls become harder to remember.
With PC gaming now rising in popularity, many of the current controllers for consoles such as Xbox One and PS4 can plug into a computer with a special cord.
Steam and other developers have developed PC-exclusive controllers to replace the standard mouse and keyboard hassle.
If you play all three because of console exclusives, having to store all of these controllers, keyboards or whatnot has to be taxing.
But what if you could have a “universal remote” that works with not only the main consoles and PC, but with your phone and other older console models?
Enter the ALL Controller
The ALL Controller was designed as the world’s first universal controller, compatible with many systems such as Xbox One, PlayStation 4, PC, Android, and more.
It resembles the Xbox One Controller but with an LED screen similar to the Steam controller. Check out the Kickstarter campaign here.
The controller is completely wireless even though you can connect it to a USB for better connections to computers.
You can rearrange buttons to your liking, flip the axis, and even set commands to the back of the controller to get past challenging parts of a certain game.
Developed by Digital Depth Inc., the ALL Controller has a “robust gamepad with a high quality build” according to The Verge who got their hands on the ALL Controller.
In addition to connecting to most devices, it can emulate a mouse and keyboard functions on games that don’t have gamepad support.
Slated to drop around May 2018, the ALL Controller has the power to change the way we game.