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OnlyFans is changing the game but what does that mean for sex workers?

OnlyFans is as unique a platform as they come. The freedom it provides to its users is nearly unrivaled on mainstream media outlets such as YouTube.

Its censorship guidelines are not as strict as others, allowing influencers to make money off their content that YouTube or other similar sites would otherwise regulate. But it also can crowd the already-booming network of OnlyFans creators that view the platform as more of a lane for sex work than influencing.

Over the past few years, YouTube has become stricter when it comes to what content makes money and what content doesn’t.

Around the time COVID-19 began, some YouTubers took advantage of their fan’s boredom. Stuck at home with nothing else to do, many people started following their favorite social media stars on a website called OnlyFans.

Content creators are using this platform to make extra money for content that would leave their videos demonetized on YouTube.

For instance, Tana Mongeau, who rose to stardom after starring in the reality TV show “MTV No Filter,” is now a YouTuber and overall social influencer.

Mongeau created her own OnlyFans, which she calls “Tana Uncensored,” because she plans on posting semi-nude pictures, videos of her smoking weed with friends, and other activities that would otherwise be looked down upon by YouTube.

While people can try to start their career on OnlyFans, the website recommends that people already have a social following.

Some popular influencers who have an account on OnlyFans are Mongeau, Ashly Schwan, Trisha Paytas, and Blac Chyna.

Trisha Paytas has always been very open about her past in sex work, which is why it wasn’t much of a surprise when she started an OnlyFans. She also happens to be a YouTuber known for her creative music videos, Mukbangs, and kitchen floor talks.

Paytas has been using Patreon, which is a website that allows social influencers to connect with their followers on a more personal level. Some use it as a way to leak their songs early; others use it as a platform to have conversations with their followers via zoom or by group chats.

In addition to those, Trisha Paytas also provides her patrons the opportunity to listen to her podcast all about love, romance, and sex: Trish After Dark.

Paytas’ OnlyFans, “TrishyLand” is known for nudity, pornographic videos, and other things within that realm. Trisha Paytas is so secure and confident in what she does that she boldly advertises the site on her Twitter account.

While OnlyFans is definitely an empowering website that allows people to be in charge of the content that they put out, some sex workers have been having a hard time with social influencers crowding on their scene.

There are plenty of sex workers who haven’t focused their career on gaining followers on various media websites, so a few of them have expressed their annoyance at content creators using OnlyFans as a way of gaining clout.

So while we can praise OnlyFans for allowing content that would otherwise be demonetized on YouTube or taken down on other websites, we also have to remember that sex workers are now facing a new hardship.

Historical buildings have a hidden feature: indifference to disabilities

It is 2020 and still, it can be hard to find compassion and equality for people with disabilities.

This is specifically the case in historical neighborhoods where properties aren’t up to date or accessible to everyone.

Emma Suzanne Lewis Brown is the owner of Cousin Emma’s Bed and Breakfast in Mount Airy, North Carolina.

She’s been applying for a paved, half-circle driveway due to injuries she’s suffered since she’s bought the bed and breakfast.

The Mount Airy Historical Preservation Board denied her request.

The first denial by this committee happened in April of 2016.

In 2015, Brown retired and bought the Bed and Breakfast, fulfilling a dream she had had for a long time. In the process of restoring the house, Brown suffered injuries to both knees and later had to get knee replacement surgeries for both of them.

In the past three years, Brown has undergone five surgeries. Her mobility is now limited so she uses a cane to walk around.

Currently, Brown has to walk on an uneven muddy path when getting in and out of her car. This is inconvenient and especially dangerous for someone with a permanent disability.

Emma Suzanne Lewis Brown has continued her business, undeterred by The Mount Airy Historical Preservation Board denying her request to make the home more accessible. She has continued working hard, and by doing so has maintained the sanitation inspection grade of 100% at her property.

Brown has gotten estimates from three local contractors and is able to afford the construction costs for the renovations. She isn’t worried about the money, she’s worried that her business will be inaccessible to her and any customers who might also have disabilities.

There is now a petition that has been created by David Roberts, a good friend of Suzanne Brown. I urge anyone who wants to make a positive change to sign this.

An article in STRUCTURE magazine about the Americans with Disabilities Act Guidelines (ADAG), explains that asking for an even paved way to the house shouldn’t have been denied.

“The ADAG requires that all stories and mezzanines be connected by an accessible route. However, under §206.2.3 Exception 7, historic properties are only required to have an accessible route on the level of the accessible entrance.”

According to the history of the National Park Superintendents, the objective of the Americans with Disabilities Act and other regulators is to remove any form of barriers that deny access to people with disabilities.

Emma Suzanne Lewis Brown has made it clear to The Mount Airy Historical Preservation Board that this is her goal. She has also gone ahead and found contractors to do the job. She’s ready for this appeal to be approved.

This case is not an isolated issue. And people with disabilities even outside of businesses, on public property, are not given fair treatment.

Many Universities around the United States have faced issues regarding historical buildings and their lack of accessibility.

Miami University in Oxford, Ohio is an example of a governing body doing right by its people. In 2013 the University changed the entrances of buildings so that they either had ramps or were at the surface level, allowing easy access into the buildings.

This was a win-win situation, Miami University can now say they have an accessible campus, and students with disabilities feel wanted and seen.

I don’t understand why The Mount Airy Historical Preservation Board wants the reputation of denying accessibility to tourists who want to stay at Suzanne’s Bed and Breakfast.

Many Universities find ways to make discreet changes to structures so that the overall well-known historical buildings look almost the same as they did before the changes. Often times this means the add-ons are behind the building.

If elevators can’t be added into a historical building, campuses will change classroom locations to give the students a mind of ease.

Limitations should not stop people from experiencing life. As a society, we need to build each other up by giving endless opportunities for everyone.

Historical buildings are important, preservation is important. But so is being able to share their significant and robust histories with people who wouldn’t be able to if they were not made accessible to everyone.

How the HIPS Organization is helping sex workers survive

HIPS, also known as Helping Individual Prostitutes Survive, right away captures the attention of any on viewers. The organization’s website is colorful, full of helpful information, and offers resources for those who have careers in sex work.

This organization fights against places that criminalize sex work. It acknowledges the dangers of sex trafficking, drug usage, and other topics that some may deem uncomfortable.

Originally created in 1993, HIPS was formed in Washington, D.C., with the main goal of providing youth who were involved in sex work, supportive services. It offers items for practicing safe sex, syringe disposal and access, HIV and Hepatitis C testing and treatment, crisis hotline, and so many other incredible resources.

Some organizations tiptoe around the fact that many sex workers are drug users and don’t always have a safe way of going about this lifestyle. HIPS helps people by giving them clean needles/syringes and resources that help them to wean off of drugs.

The fact that HIPS does this shows how emblematic of altruism its overall mission is. HIPS cares about every individual who seeks help.

A group within HIPS, called the Chosen Few, organized an event on International Overdose Awareness Day in 2017.

This event involved around 500 fake tombstones staked in the ground and encouraged onlookers to take a sharpie and write the name of someone they knew who died from drug overdoses. The tombstones were in a huge cluster and showed how serious the issue is.

Another advocacy group within HIPS is the Sex Worker Advocates Coalition (SWAC). These advocates support the notion that sex work is safest when there is no criminalization of the career. They’ve openly supported a couple of Safety and Health Amendment Acts in the hope to make changes for people.

The Executive Director of HIPS, Cyndee Clay, explains why decriminalization is important for sex worker’s rights. Clay calls sex workers “individual entrepreneurs” and admits that some sex workers have been victims of sex trafficking.

Violence against sex workers happens often, especially under our noses since most of the perpetrators are police, clients, institutions, etc.

Decriminalizing sex work makes it easier to find those exploiting sex workers because the survivors know they won’t be punished when they seek refuge.

It’s time to speak out against the violence that sex workers face every day. Let’s join HIPS in making sure that everyone feels safe in their place of work. This is something that should have always been a given.

It says wonders about the world we live in that people have to fear for their health and safety because no one will recognize their job as one to respect.

What the white couple in St. Louis brandishing guns says about society

White privilege was on full display this past Sunday.

A couple in St. Louis was seen waving guns around while protestors passed their house, which happened to be on a private drive.

Allegedly, the peaceful protestors broke into a gateway when allowing themselves onto the Private Drive, trying to get to Mayor Krewson’s house.

Many people who were involved in the demonstration said that the gate had been opened for them. Here’s a video that supports their claims.

However, after the protest subsided, the couple shared a picture of the destroyed gates.

How many articles are going to be written about this white couple? A lot.

Why do they deserve all of this attention? To put it simply… they don’t.

Mark, a St. Louis lawyer, stood with a long rifle gun next to Patricia, with a handgun. The McCloskeys mentioned that they saw peaceful protestors who were allegedly armed, which is apparently what made them feel justified in arming themselves.

According to their attorney, they only grabbed their guns after two or three white protestors threatened them and the neighboring properties.

“They want to make it really clear that they believe the Black Lives Matter message is important,” Albert Watkins, their attorney told the Associated Press.

I write about this not to give them a continuous spotlight in the news, but to express my concern for the world that we are living in.

In 2014, Tamir Rice, 12-years-old, was killed for playing outside with a toy gun.

In 2016, Philando Castille, 32-years-old, was killed by police after informing them that he had a legal firearm.

In 2018, Stephen Clark, 22-years-old, was shot 20 times because police thought he had a gun. It was a phone.

These are only a few examples of times that innocent Black people were killed, for doing far less than what the white Missouri couple was doing.

Rather than taking accountability for their misjudgment, the McCloskeys want to be applauded for standing their ground and defending their property.

Peaceful protestors walking the street alarmed the McCloskeys, apparently enough to pull out two guns (one an assault rifle) instead of just going on with their day. And why were the protestors marching?

Systemic racism, police brutality, and the fact that the Mayor of St. Louis, Lyda Krewson,  revealed the names and addresses of anti-police protestors. If ever there was a reckless and dangerous decision made by a public official.

The McCloskeys aren’t remorseful for their heinous behavior, and they seem even smugly gratified of the press they’ve gotten from their demonstration.

Even if they did apologize, it wouldn’t matter. We don’t want any more apologies, any more defense of reckless and dangerous behavior. We want to see changes made.

Shane Dawson cancelled? Why he is bad for the culture

Shane Dawson has 22.6 million subscribers on YouTube, but he deserves none.

There have been several moments in Dawson’s career where he has made offensive videos that include racism, the sexualization of children, jokes about bestiality, and further inappropriate content.

Dawson has made apology videos in the past, so the most recent one is not his first. But only recently did Dawson begin to delete the problematic videos from his video history.


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While cancel culture is a problem, there are certain people that do not deserve any more chances. What they deserve, at least to start, is their careers destroyed because of their inexcusable behavior.

Racist skits

Among his many terrible videos, Shane Dawson profits off of a character he created, Shananay. When playing Shananay, Dawson is perpetuating harmful stereotypes of Black women.

He has on multiple accounts done blackface, said the n-word, and called Black people ‘monkeys’ and ‘gorillas.’

Shane Dawson has clearly shown that he has no sense of judgment.

He has also made videos that include anti-semitic jokes about killing Jewish people.

Sexualizing minors

There are many instances where Shane Dawson has shared an even more repulsive side of himself.

There’s a video of him on Omegle with his mom, telling a girl who looks like a minor to twerk for him.

A video in which he’s going through pictures of young teens wearing his merchandise. As he slides through the pictures he makes moaning sounds and then says, “if iJustine wasn’t watching I would rape all of you.”

On a podcast, he makes a comment about putting himself in a pedophile’s mindset and searches on a pornography website “naked baby.” He then comments on how the minors look, later saying he was joking.

This whole list is disturbing.

One of the people that he sexualized just happened to be Willow Smith, who at the time was about 11-years-old.

A video shows Shane Dawson acting like he’s jerking off to a picture of her and then turns around as if he’s gotten caught in the act. Willow’s brother, Jaden Smith, had something to say about this.

After Shane Dawson apologized, Jada Pinkett Smith also had something to say.

Me too Jada Pinkett Smith. Me too.

Acts of bestiality

There are videos of Shane Dawson acting inappropriately towards dogs. Whether he’s trying to make out with them, putting his face in between their back legs, or talking about it, it’s all disgusting behavior.

I mean fam… what the f***.

When is enough enough? Get this weirdo out of here.

His apology video

YouTube has since taken down advertisements on Dawson’s videos, making his account demonetized.

Shane Dawson may have made a video apologizing for his past behavior, but I don’t forgive him and neither should y’all.

Here’s why the whitewashing in cartoons is on its way out

Enough whitewashing in cartoons.

Due to the Black Lives Matter movement and increased calls for social justice, actors have been taking into account the roles that they can play in the fight.

More aptly, the literal roles that they play in the media, and whether they are representing characters that they should be.

White voice actors have recently been called out for voicing characters of color. Many actors and show runners have stepped forward and voiced their regret in having played a part in this appropriation in media.

Big Mouth

On Thursday, June 25, Jenny Slate made an announcement that she will be removing herself from voicing the character Missy Foreman-Greenwald on Big Mouth.

Missy is a biracial character on Big Mouth; she is White, Black, and Jewish. When initially taking the job, Slate reasoned that because she is Jewish and White, it would be fine to play Missy.

This discounted the fact that Missy was also a Black woman. Slate has taken accountability for this major miscasting by apologizing for her role in white actors taking jobs from persons of color.


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Family Guy

Mike Henry, who has played Cleveland Brown on Family Guy for the past 20 years, has stepped down from his role.

His reason being the same as Jenny Slate, “persons of color should play characters of color.” Henry writes and has produced episodes on Family Guy as well as being a voice actor.

Central Park

Following Jenny Slate, Kristen Bell announced that she will no longer be the voice actress for the character Molly Tillerman, in Central Park.

On a TCA panel in January, Executive Producer Loren Bouchard stated that Kristen Bell “needed to be Molly, she was always going to honor that character. We couldn’t make Molly white or Kristen mixed race, so we had to go forward.”

Bouchard has since apologized for this wrongful decision and excuse on Twitter, sharing Kristen Bell’s Instagram post.

The Simpsons

Hank Azaria is known for voicing multiple characters of color on The Simpsons, while he himself is white.

In January he announced that he would no longer be voicing the character Apu, an Indian who owns a convenience store. On Saturday, June 27, Azaria posted on Instagram that he would no longer be voicing any characters of color, while also acknowledging that he’s taken part in keeping these roles away from POC.


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Bojack Horseman

Bojack Horseman features an all-white main cast. Creator Raphael Bob-Waksberg specifically expressed regret in casting Alison Brie, a white woman, to voice a Vietnamese American character, Diane Nguyen.


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Bob-Waksberg, the creator of Bojack Horseman, comments on his choice for casting a white woman, Brie, to voice a character of color. In his thread of explanations, he includes an interview in which he states regret for having an all-white cast.

Moving forward

Though these actors should have known that their choice in taking these roles was part of white privilege, it is admirable that they are educating and removing themselves from these parts.

Hopefully characters of color will now be voiced by persons of color, taking a step in the right direction in representation in media.

#SexWorkIsWork: How can we protect sex workers moving forward?

Certain behaviors are policed more so than others based on moral crusaders’ definitions of right and wrong. The sex workers debate is ongoing.

Stigma surrounds the sex work industry no matter the legality it faces around the world. That stigma consequently surrounds sex workers, who already are in vulnerable situations and so often the victims of violence. As well as unprotected by laws and elected officials.


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Good Morning, all of us here are at SWOP-USA are feeling the weight of this weeks disappointing news of the passing of SESTA/FOSTA. We know you all are too but we are here to say this fight ain’t over! We are happy to announce we are bringing back our Scarlett Letter, a monthly email publication. In the past it was used as a way to get SWOP specific news out to the chapters but in light of current events we are redesigning it’s purpose to connect people across the globe fighting for Sex Workers rights. Now more than ever we need to align our efforts to secure human rights for ourselves and future generations to come. Sex Workers Outreach Project-USA is a national social justice network dedicated to the fundamental human rights of people involved in the sex trade and their communities, focusing on ending violence and stigma through education and advocacy. All Sex Workers, advocates, and organizations whose mission intersects with our own are encouraged to email for a chance to be featured in this months edition. #SWOP Chapters we still want to hear from you as well! If you know an individual or an organization doing great work please feel free to share♥️ If you want to be added to the email list please send your name and email to the email address above. Art work by @ingridmouth for #SWOP #SexWorkerRightsAreHumanRights #ReproductiveRights #BlackLivesMatter #ProtectBlackTransWomen #NoJusticeNoPeace

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The majority of sex workers are women, though almost every type of person is represented in the sex working industry.

Women’s subordinated positions in society limit their abilities to participate in the workforce, therefore making sex work a more viable option that professions that are deemed more legitimate to those in society.

Society often turns a blind eye towards illicit behaviors once they are labeled as deviant. The result of this is the black market, where people’s safety becomes an issue, regardless of class. Though, those in higher classes tend to have more privilege within their work.

Sex workers tend to experience violent assaults due to this mislabeling them as deviants.

Groups resisting decriminalization

In Amsterdam, sex work is legalized and decriminalized.

However, some Christian and feminist women have banded together in a group called Exxpose, and have created a petition that will force sex workers to work in a vulnerable setting. Exxpose’s motivation is for sex work to no longer be legalized.

The Amnesty International Policy on State Obligations to Respect, Protect and Fulfill The Human Rights of Sex Workers acknowledges the danger in these sentiments and actions.

“Decriminalization of sex work does not mean the total absence of any regulation of sex work. Rather it means that laws should be refocused away from catch-all offences that criminalize most or all aspects of sex work towards laws and policies that provide protection for sex workers from acts of exploitation and abuse.”

Exxpose believes all sex workers are victims of sex trafficking, which isn’t the case. They haven’t taken into account the violence that will occur when sex work is forced to happen behind someone’s apartment door.

“The petition supporters are failing to distinguish between traditional prostitutes who work freely and the victims of prostitution rings…” said Caroline, a sex worker, in an ABC News interview.

The danger of forcing the sex work industry to be delegalized is that it brings sex workers into dangerous situations.

Exxpose wants to make the act of buying sex acts illegal. This takes away income that sex workers depend on, as well as making them more vulnerable to exploitation and abuse.

Brothels in the United States

Brothels are legalized in the Nevada area, as long as the population is under 700,000. There are currently 19 brothels operating in the state, down from 36 in the 1980’s.

Sex work isn’t legal in Las Vegas, yet it is still a place that is known for it.

Sex workers are required to get tested for STIs to help prevent the spread of HIV. Clients are also required to use protection and undergo a background check before making an appointment.

Sex work during and after the pandemic

Just like many low-wage workers, sex workers have been laid off or have been forced to take a break from in-person jobs because of the pandemic. This doesn’t mean that their income came to a complete stop, though.

Nowadays we live in a world where social media is at the center of everyone’s attention. Sex workers have started using, which is a website that requires fans to pay money for pictures or videos of the person doing something. With sex workers, it’s usually a sex act.


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Websites such as these only really work if you already have a large following.

It is becoming harder for sex workers to use social media platforms to gain these followers because oftentimes Instagram or Twitter will ban their accounts for explicit content.

With this lack of support, sex workers are used to finding solutions for themselves and making things work. If the stigma were moved away from sex workers and we worked harder to make the industry decriminalized, we would help make their line of work safer for them.

Sex workers are diligent, hardworking, and they are fighters. The lack of compassion for sex workers is alarming and speaks often to misogynistic ideals and societal preconceptions. What we need to do is erase the stigma around sex work and decriminalize the industry.

Maya Moore is the social justice hero young women need

Maya Moore, basketball superstar, sacrificed her career with the WNBA in February of 2019 in pursuit of social justice.

Even as such a high-profile star, Moore’s advocacy work has not been covered extensively by the media. It is crucial that media platforms give the same focus to women athletes/entertainers as they do men who are making sacrifices by being invested in the fight for social reform.

Moore chose to put the basketball down in early 2019 so that she could fight for Jonathan Irons’ freedom in Jefferson County, Missouri.

During two seasons where she would have been playing, Maya Moore helped Irons’ conviction get overturned, originally a 50-year sentence of which he spent 23 years behind bars.

Moore knew Irons’ from when she was a child. Irons had gotten to know her family through the volunteer work they did with the prison and their church. Moore joined forces with to help create a petition and start the campaign Win With Justice.

Moore is uncertain about her future with basketball; right now her sole focus is fighting for justice for marginalized individuals.

While Moore is a two-time Olympic Gold medalist and has gone on six trips to the WNBA finals, she now plays in a different court, advocating for criminal justice reform.

So often the media focuses on male athletes and advocates of justice like Colin Kaepernick, and while these men’s efforts definitely should be applauded, it’s paramount to remember that women are also using their platforms to do the same. Making sacrifices for social justice that put their careers, their families, their livelihoods at risk.

Dascha Polanco, known for her role as Daya Diaz on Orange Is the New Black, actively advocates for women of color in jail and helps those who have been released successfully re-enter their lives.

Kim Kardashian West helped release a woman named Alice Johnson from prison after hearing she had been a non-violent offender. Originally sentenced to life in prison, Johnson was released after 21 years behind bars.

Even when she was suiting up in her jersey and hitting the hardwood, Moore used her platform for efforts bigger than basketball. Four years ago, in support of two black men who had been killed by police, Philando Castro and Alton Sterling, Moore’s whole Minnesota Lynx basketball team wore Black Lives Matter t-shirts while warming up before their game. The cops working the game were so affronted at the perceived slight against law enforcement that they walked off the floor. I wish I were kidding.

Moore has been an activist for a while now, yet her name and face appear far less than men who are also advocates for justice. Still, she powers on, using her social media platform to help educate others.

Maya Moore shares the fact that racial injustices have been happening for a long time, and she explains the need for discourse on how to end it.

Moore, in addition to a wide range of other women athletes, entertainers, and advocates, is using her platform to voice support for change, too long forgotten and swept aside.

Why J.K. Rowling’s rhetoric surrounding sex is dangerous for trans people

J.K. Rowling, author and mind behind the Harry Potter series, books full of magic, acceptance, and endless possibilities, once again contradicts the intrinsically loving themes of her work by spreading dangerous and misguided rhetoric online about the trans community.

Recently, the talented yet problematic author came under fire for making transphobic statements on her social media.

Rowling expresses her deep worry that women’s rights will be eroded when trans rights are added to the fight for justice. After receiving backlash, she doubled down and discussed the hate that she has received on her social media platforms.

While hate in response to hate is not the solution, Rowling refused to acknowledge how harmful her statements have been to Harry Potter fans who are a part of the LGBTQ+ community.

The author also recently made fun of an article for being more inclusive to genders in writing “people who menstruate” instead of what Rowling thought should be “women who menstruate.” And unfortunately, these aren’t the first instances that J.K. Rowling has been a controversial figure in the media.

After posting the above tweets, J.K. Rowling caught backlash calling her a TERF, which stands for trans-exclusionary radical feminists. TERFs are feminists who don’t believe trans women are women.

J.K. Rowling has 14.5 million followers on Twitter, and an even larger worldwide following outside of Twitter. She is known for her Harry Potter franchise that she wrote as a single mother and built from past dreams and an incredible imagination.

J.K. Rowling furthers the notion that she’s a TERF in her response to why she suddenly decided to speak out on “sex and gender issues”.

In her response as to why she decided to open up about her opinions on this topic, J.K. Rowling shared five reasons she is worried about trans activism. One of her excuses was that many of the charities that she donates to are cis-women and children based, and she fears that trans activism will put cis-women survivors of domestic and sexual abuse in harm’s way.

Inexplicably, J.K. Rowling believes that cis-women and trans women are not equal because trans women are thought to be male when they are born.

Daniel Radcliffe was the first of the Harry Potter trio to share his response to J.K. Rowling’s comments. His response was clear: “Transgender women are women. Any statement to the contrary erases the identity and dignity of transgender people and goes against all advice given by professional health care associations who have far more expertise on this subject matter than either Jo or I.”

Radcliffe works with and supports The Trevor Project, an organization that provides crisis intervention and suicide prevention for the LGBTQ+ community. In his response, he shared a link from their website, hoping that people will join him in learning on how to be an ally to trans folk and those who are non-binary. 

Soon after Radcliffe shared his response, his Harry Potter co-stars Emma Watson and Rupert Grint spoke out against Rowling’s offensive tweets.

Emma Watson, known for her role in “Harry Potter” as Hermione Granger, is also an activist, holding a title as one of the UN Women Goodwill Ambassadors. So it was no surprise when she shared her support for the trans community.

In The Times, Rupert Grint made a statement saying, “I firmly stand with the trans community and echo the sentiments expressed by many of my peers. Trans women are women. Trans men are men,” adding that “We should all be entitled to live with love and without judgment.”

In the same post in which Daniel Radcliffe addresses J.K. Rowling’s tweets, he assures followers that they don’t have to stop loving Harry Potter as a whole.

“…It means to you what it means to you and I hope that these comments will not taint that too much.”

Harry Potter teaches children that everyone is different and that being different is okay and something to be proud of. Knowing that the once-beloved author has quickly become hated and looked down upon after contradicting this message is disheartening to many fans.

As mentioned before, these are not isolated incidents. Last year J.K. Rowling received a lot of hate after openly supporting Maya Forstarter, a researcher who was fired after expressing her beliefs that “it is impossible to change sex.”

J.K. Rowling even went as far as to write her own tweet backing up Maya Forstarter.

It’s clear that the author hasn’t been properly educated on sex versus gender and we hope that she will be able to find accurate information in the future.

Daniel Radcliffe understands that this is taken as a loss in the Harry Potter community, but doesn’t expect all of us to throw the messages we took from the series away, just yet. We need to continue to work together and stop the spreading of misinformation about trans folk.

As a Harry Potter fan, it sickens me to know that J.K. Rowling isn’t the open-minded icon that her work would lead us to believe she is. Harry Potter was written as a children’s book, and while still beloved by many adults, it is important for children especially to learn and practice inclusivity and love for all.

The series introduces readers to the world of Hogwarts, where anything is possible with a little bit of magic.

No Kaitlin Bennett, Pride Month is not canceled because of BLM

Pride Month and the Black Lives Matter movement are not mutually exclusive.

Contrary to the ever-hateful Kaitlin Bennett’s opinion, the #BLM protests do not cancel out the calls for awareness and equality by the LGBTQ+ community. In fact, the solidarity between the two movements has been a glimmer of hope and love in otherwise harrowing times.

Bennett, otherwise known as “gun girl,” referencing her senior pictures in which she posed with an AR-10 rifle on her college campus, is known for posting right-wing opinions on her social media. Near the beginning of June, Kaitlin Bennett celebrated the ‘cancellation’ of Pride Month on Twitter.

She remarks that the only good thing about the Black Lives Matter movement is that Pride has essentially been canceled. Commenters wrote hateful remarks towards the LGBTQ+ community, fueled by Kaitlin Bennet’s words.

Kaitlin Bennett could not have been more wrong when she assumed that the Black Lives Matter movement meant that Pride Month wouldn’t be celebrated.

The first pride parade happened as an act of solidarity towards trans women who advocated for LGBTQ+ rights in the ’60s during the Stonewall uprising. One woman, Marsha P. Johnson, was prominent in the uprising after a police raid occurred at Stonewall Inn, which to this day, remains a gay bar in New York City.

Marsha P. Johnson, a black drag queen, was the face of the Stonewall movement and is known for her advocacy for gay rights. There is now a Marsha P. Johnson Institute which provides support for people who are black and trans.

Marsha P. Johnson during the Stonewall Uprising

Pride started because police had been violent with people of color in a gay bar. Celebrating Pride, albeit virtually, during the Black Lives Matter protests are two massive movements coming full circle. They are deeply connected at their roots and we won’t let Kaitlin Bennett tell us otherwise.

Both movements are calling for change, and it says something about the systemic issues of the country that we’re still fighting for the same rights that we were in the ’60s.

There are worldwide virtual events scheduled to celebrate Pride Month in the middle of the pandemic. Using Pride to celebrate not only a month dedicated to the LGBTQ+ community but also to make sure that Black lives are being fought for, shows the love and respect that is shared between the two movements.


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Further confirming that Black Lives Matter and Pride share history and goals, both communities face high rates of police brutality and violence. Black transgender people face even higher rates of state and community violence and have been killed, misgendered, and deadnamed in media reports.

In support of black transgender people lost to such violence, on Sunday, June 14th, thousands of people gathered in front of the Brooklyn Museum in New York. The protestors all wore white shirts and mourned the loss of black trans people who have been killed in the past couple of months.

The Black Lives Matter movement and the LGBTQ+ Pride month support each other. Together they fight against prejudices and hate directed at them for things that they cannot control.

Violence and inequity is something that both groups experience. The world is supposed to be full of opportunities, but instead, it is mired in systemic oppression.


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By adding awareness for trans lives into the Black Lives Matter movement, the chants and calls for justice quickly became “All Black Lives Matter.”

“Black trans lives matter,” the crowd of thousands roared.

The Black Lives Matters protests are already a historical movement, and the willingness to recognize and call for justice for trans lives too shows the humanity in those calling for justice for black people.

Picture by Christopher Cruz

Having a virtual Pride Month because of the pandemic is something that is deemed necessary to keep everyone safe. But the sweeping crowds of the Black Lives Matter movement acknowledging Pride Month and the need to protect trans lives gives an in-person effort to the cause.

The benevolence for their fellow humans shows the ability of protestors to do something the police have refused to: show a touch of humanity.

Precautions are still being taken during protests for Black Lives Matter. People in the crowds are encouraged to wear masks, use hand sanitizer, and are told to stay home if they aren’t feeling well. At many protests, there are also people offering snacks and water to those taking part in the marches and demonstrations.

Pride Month marches on, as will the Black Lives Matter movement, no matter how long it takes for the powers in place to listen. While these movements are different, they bring us back to the uprising of Stonewall and how people of color and the LGBTQ+ community are brought together by their similar fights for justice.