We all know New York is the greatest city and all but it could also be a dub for it at the same time. Shit is wild expensive, the people are getting cornier, and of course the weather makes absolutely no sense.
There’s realistically only three weeks of bearable weather all year if you really think about it — the summers are stupid hot and the winters get brutally brick.
If you don’t know what brick means, just know that it gets so cold in NYC that residents had to reinvent an old word to describe the frigid ass conditions. If that doesn’t make sense to you, come through when it’s cold and you’ll know exactly what we’re talking about.
There is no denying that it is brick city here during the winter and this winter in particular has been extra trash. The “bomb cyclone” came through and fucked shit up, fountains literally froze over, and the homeless were forced to sleep on the trains.
It’s an overall cooked situation for New Yorkers just trying to live their lives and leave their shoe box cribs.
But it isn’t all bad. Besides your face feeling like it’s going to shatter and the wind chill reaching your bones, at least there’s things like igloos in the hood to keep the kids happy. And there’s always a chance they’ll cancel school if the snow is too braze.
Then again, when you’re not in school or a kid, it just makes your life miserable. At least there’s no rats running around outside during the winter!
It might seem like this winter is lasting forever but before you know it, it’ll be dumb hot and we’ll still be complaining about how our faces are melting and it smells like wild shit. Until then, peep the video above and remind yourself why New York is the brickest city in the nation (sorry, Chicago).