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5 times Brock Lesnar took things a little too far in the WWE ring

Whenever Brock Lesnar enters a WWE ring everyone gets too hype because either he’s gonna send somebody to Suplex City or have a fire promo, thanks to Paul Heyman.

Don’t know what Suplex City is? It’s when Brock gives his opponents a German Suplex across the ring multiple times until they can’t get up anymore. The crowd loves it and shit actually looks like it hurts.

Although he already retired, we would forever enjoy his last few fights in WWE. His performance at SummerSlam showed not only how much of a beast he is but also how much he really has left in the tank.

Brock is one of the most polarizing figures in all of sports and is currently the reigning undisputed WWE Champion of the World.

The fans will never get tired of seeing someone go to Suplex City, especially if it’s Roman Reigns. But most importantly they’re gonna miss how real Brock makes it feel when he steps into the ring. These are the moments he took it there.

Welcome to Suplex City Mr. Cena

Let’s just start by saying Brock Lesnar is one man you don’t want to fuck with.

In 2014, Lesnar went toe to toe with John Cena during the SummerSlam main event for the WWE World Heavyweight Championship.

From the jump, Brock took him to SUPLEX CITY with 16 straight suplexes. Cena was showing signs to the ref that he was hurt but Brock didn’t give two fucks about his pain.

After all 16 suplexes, Lesnar finished him with an F5. Then became WWE World Heavyweight Champion again.

Brock unleashes his elbows on Orton

At last year’s SummerSlam, Brock Lesnar gave all the elbows to Randy Orton’s face. Within seconds Orton’s face was covered in blood.

After that they had to stop the match because Brock Lesnar went way too hard.

Lesnar once said, “I show up to kick the living shit out of somebody’s ass and I get paid to do it.” He’s been saying that for a while now, even John Cena called him out for that multiple times in their promos.

That time Brock Lesnar broke Shawn Michaels’s arm

A few years ago Brock Lesnar was supposed to face the legend Shawn Michaels in a highly anticipated PPV match.

But before the fight Brock broke Michaels’ arm because that’s how he is.

Brock Lesnar proved how dangerous and unpredictable he can be. Don’t play games with this dude! I beg you, don’t mess around with him he will make you pay as we have seen many times before.

When Brock almost killed the cameraman with an F5

When Brock lost his title at Mania he went crazy and started to attack anybody he saw in the back.

After giving a huge F5 to Michael Cole, he delivered another one to the cameraman for no reason. Of course this would build up to Seth facing Brock for title rematch.

When the time came for the rematch, Brock gave Seth 10 suplexes but when suddenly The Undertaker interfered with the match, adding a bunch of hype to the next PPV.

that time Brock almost killed J&J servises

Brock destroyed J&J’s new car and on top of that he gave one Suplex cracking the front window on Monday Night Raw not too long ago.

After that, he was chasing Seth Rollins, who luckily got away or else Brock would have taken him to SUPLEX CITY. Brock would have definitely injured Seth that night if he got to him.

The fans are saying they wanna see Brock in a TLC match, which would be too wild.

We could only wonder what Brock would do with weapons in a match. The last time he had a TLC with Cena few years ago, it was marked one of the best TLC matches of all time.