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What now grad? Here are some educational alternatives for youngins

These are some odd times we’re in. I know, you’re sick of hearing that, but it’s true. As the graduating class of the year of COVID, I think about the incoming students. I just wonder… is college worth it for them? Here’s some Corona college alternatives.

This question has been asked many times, but still lingers in the collective consciousness of America’s youth (and their parents). College is definitely not for everyone.

For creatives especially, a nightmare is going to college out of fear of being screwed, studying something that isn’t exactly what you want, and being left with loads of debt. In many cases, degrees don’t even directly translate to a job skill set.

DIY Coronavirus College alternatives

This is most often seen with art, acting, and film school. If you want to make films, you can do so by spending money on equipment. Anything you could want to learn about your respective craft can be found online.

Plenty of tutorials exist to help people who like to do it themselves. You will not rake in piles at the start, but freelance service is always a solid start.

Most schools’ film majors for undergrad are film and screen studies, which is like an English degree of movies. The focus is far less on the vocation of making your own film, and more on the theory.

Vocational School

A much cheaper alternative to college.

If you wanted to learn the technical side of an industry, vocational school is the way to go. Most often for film and audio, vocational schools help you work hands-on and directly in an industry post-graduation.

It’s much like going to a trade school, as you learn similar skills over a comparable amount of time.

If being stuck in a classroom isn’t for you, then don’t worry. These only take about two years.


For those all about working directly in a field of interest, fellowships may be the move. Being an apprentice in an industry gives you marketable skills directly usable for that line of work.

Depending on what you’re trying to do, they may be a bit difficult to come by. However, if you want it, go for it!

Commune Dwelling

For you real crunchy artsy types, commune living for a bit is a vibe. Just don’t expect your parents to spring for it.

Depending on the place, rent may only be doing chores for the settlement. Artist communes are designed to give artists a space to live and practice their art, even if they don’t have much income.

Usually self-sustaining, communes need help to keep running. It’s not for the lazy.

Be careful if you pick this option, however. If someone approaches you asking for you to live on their commune, they’re trying to induct you into a cult. Look into the place first.

Community College

Economically alternative to traditional four-year school, community college is a favorite amongst my friends. You’re still getting higher education without burning a hole in your pocket.

People may shirk it off, but it’s a valid option. Many people are starting to see the value in community colleges. With many classes going online, what’s there to laugh at?

With COVID shutting down life, colleges won’t survive if they charge what they do. Many are starting to see the alternatives, and they work in many cases.

Kids are so often told how screwed they are or will be if they don’t get into the right school. They’re seldom– if ever, congratulated on how far they’ve come. They’re pushed by fear to go to college.

It’s a new world out there, friends. Weigh your options –and corona college alternatives, wisely.