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The culture never left! Why you should pull up to Puerto Rico for Spring Break

Just around the corner, is that mid-term relief we’ve all been looking forward to. Most people view this as a short time to unwind and break free from daily stress.

The best way of doing this is traveling, getting away from your constant surroundings which helps get rid of the pressure every modern human goes through.

As an island, tourism is one of the biggest industries that helps impulse the economy in numerous ways.

Six months after a devastating hurricane, your spring break visit means a lot to our economy and will help us get back on our feet while you enjoy yourself.

When looking for a cheap Caribbean escape to get your island vibe going, Puerto Rico is your go to. Located between the Caribbean Sea and the Atlantic Ocean, the sunny beaches and exotic flora, all the city vibes to mountain getaways are everything you’ve been searching for to have a good time is in a 100×35 island.

Puerto Rico has a lot to offer when wanting to try new experiences. The variety in the topography allows visitors to live any kind of adventure, from hiking to going for a swim. With 78 different municipalities, that all have something different to offer, there’s always something to do.

Just to give you guys an idea of what you can get going, to mention a few, Culebra is home to crystal clear beaches, white sand and beautiful landscape; San Juan, the capitol, offers a historical experience with museums and forts but also offers a culinary experience and night life like no other, the Isla Verde and Condado strips offer the best in hotel accommodation for all kinds of visitors; hotels like La Concha and The Intercontinental are there to offer you a great stay.

Other things to do, for the more adventurous is to pay a visit to Cabo Rojo, on the west shore of the island, offers a unique time where lounging on the beach is the norm when visiting, amazing food and beverages and a famous lighthouse are there to complement each other with your Caribbean experience.

Another reason to visit Puerto Rico is to break with the myth of how the Caribbean lifestyle really goes down. Most people think it’s all beach and piña coladas but as soon as you step foot on the island you’ll get a glimpse of all the buzz a work day causes.

Also, the people are great and will offer you a unique hospitable experience, making you feel like you belong.

Puerto Rico has a ton to offer; a great suggestion is to go ahead and rent a car, this will allow you to drive around freely, if you want to head over to the west or east coast of the island. Drives are no longer than 2 hours to reach on point of the island to the other, so there’s no excuse to visit at least one town from each corner of our country.

While driving you can also find the most beautiful scenery and get a hold of the landscape. Above all, bring a camera so you can snap pictures of all the beautiful things Puerto Rico has to offer its visitors.

Give yourself the chance to escape the main land and get to know this small island that’s part of the United States. Puerto Rico is basically your best option. Pure bliss, great views and vibes are just some of the things we have to offer.

You’ll spend a great time; and if your goal this spring break is to relax, have good food, get tan, dance some salsa and go out for drinks, visit us, you won’t regret it.