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TikTok reminds the world that NYC was never dead

With 70 percent of New Yorkers vaccinated, and the mask mandate lifted just a couple of weeks ago, social media has been filled with videos of packed subway stations, bar hopping, and resumed brunch hours. It has been proclaimed, even on TikTok, that NYC is back. But this is all to the disdain of native NYC residents who claim that the city was never dead.

TikTok is known for having trends that pervade the platform. Some are inherently positive, and some are quite the opposite. In this case, there is no ill-will, but it is a matter of accuracy for New Yorkers. If NYC was never dead, take it from them; and if TikTok says NYC is back, let’s examine what has in fact changed.

NYC was never dead, but there were dark times in the Empire State

NYC was the epicenter of the pandemic. The virus tragically took 30,386 lives.

While hundreds of thousands of people escaped the pandemic-riddled city back to their hometowns, NYC residents were left at the hands of the virus. Empty streets, deserted subway stations, and an empty Times Square were just the tip of the iceberg.

Businesses that have been there for decades closed down for good, 631,000 jobs were lost, and while people worried about tourism, residents couldn’t afford to pay for rent or food. Images of stuffed hospitals, and panicked staff trying to find room for the piling dead bodies flooded the local news. Scared citizens were left to watch from their homes.

After relentless months of hardship and collected fear, the city that never sleeps took a much-deserved rest, and while others labeled it dead, New Yorkers proved what truly made the city, not the crowded streets, and Broadway shows, but the people. During hard times, New Yorkers stayed strong, and took care of one another.

“Nature is healing,” TikTok says NYC is back

A TikTok video showing the city slowly returning to normal, and proving critics wrong who called the city “dead forever,” had hundreds of comments from New Yorkers who voiced how resilient the city truly is.

“Whoever said it was dead must not have been born here. The city always bounces back. We’re resilient & strong. Love my city,” reads one comment.

The reality of the city isn’t meant to be funny

The app has also been flooded with NYC vlogs, especially from out of state residents who are slowly moving back, who claim the city is back by showing shenanigans of the city, depicting it as a zoo.

Although it’s all meant for comical purposes, native New Yorkers have shown disapproval of these videos, upset that real communities are put into a negative light by people who weren’t here during tough times. 

In a TikTok video from dutchdeccc, he reacts to these type of videos, criticizing them for creating a false narrative of the city. As well as being insensitive to people’s livelihoods.

“This whole making fun of the city trend..all of the quirky New York things, none of it is quirky or funny. Like seeing a dead body or talking about a shooting ‘LOL shooting on my block so funny,’ what? Someone lost their life, somebody’s family is grieving, someone’s community is grieving. New York is not a Disney World ride, that’s a real person, and this is a real place,” he says.

He then finishes off the video by challenging people who make these kinds of vlogs to actually think about the real issues within the neighborhoods they inhabit. And how they’re directly causing some of these issues (kicking people out of their neighborhoods, causing higher rent, and cost of living for other New Yorkers…).

He urges them to do better, and to simply think before they post.

The video received thousands of comments sharing the same thoughts as him, and asking for sensitivity for communities who’ve gone through a lot, especially in the last year.

NFT houses offer virtual getaways and new digital affordances

NFTs have expanded from a simple labor of love into an absolute behemoth through continual growth and mass adoption. Thanks to Krista Kim, the first-ever digital getaway NFT house has been minted and sold for over $500,000 on Super Rare. These NFT houses offer owners the possibility for a virtual getaway as well as digital affordances.

Minting proves provenance

NFT this… NFT that. It seems that NFTs are popping up left and right in our ever-evolving universe.

For those unaware, NFT stands for nonfungible token, which provides digitization through a ‘minting’ process.

digital getaway
Krista Kim’s Mars House in night vision from a distance (Credit: Krista Kim)

‘Mint’ is the usable world for verification and officially marks an NFT as a redeemable item capable of sale, transfer, modification etc.

As decentralization of current systemic structures begins to set in – NFTs play a pivotal role in that process. They deal with basic primitives such as ownership, transfer, and simple access control to online assets. 

As a whole, cryptocurrency and NFTs are disruptors. As we experience a mass transition into digitization, a major change is inevitable. Suffice to say, change is never easy but it will be swift. 

Multipurposed and multifaceted use cases bring endless possibilities.

Supercharged NFT industries aim to be frictionless 

When it comes to techism and digitization innovation is paramount. Being able to separate yourself within any endeavor will always be pivotal. As of this very moment, NFT platforms are so nascent and brand new that there are countless limitations. 

virtual getaway
Mars House master bedroom (Credit: Krista Kim)

As disruptive creatives, it is our goal to shatter barriers en route to testing and stretching parameters. Therefore, we must utilize outside-of-the-box thinking. Realize that everything happens for a reason and in order to evolve you must continually strategize different movement mechanisms.

NFT homes give release from reality through streams of consciousness

An NFT home represents a digital asset that is synonymous with self-expression and livelihood enrichment. These homes are collaborative, immersive and exist within a metaverse. Digital assets contain strong value propositions because they appreciate over time. 

digital getaway
Mars House outdoor space (Credit: Krista Kim)

How exactly do these NFT homes garner value? Well, first it is imperative to build with sustainable materials that might translate to real life. Some examples include glass, steel and LED walls as architectural substrates. 

Second, they must be scalable to translate into reality. As a social asset, there are well-calculated steps that can be taken to shift the current landscape and preserve parallel worlds.

NFT houses serve as an online oasis

More and more people are seeking harmony through escapism and meditative states of well-being. It is clear that an NFT home can provide this sense of relief as a continuum of fluidity and virtual getaway. 

nft houses
Curate a life worth living – that way getaways are purely enjoyed (via Quino)

Nothing was ever achieved within your comfort zone rather achievement exists within the throws of constant flux and change. This rapid evolution has already begun and NFTs are certainly a barometer of our modern era. 

Whatever you do, do not discredit or devalue NFTs because they are not going anywhere anytime soon. In essence, be a producer, not a consumer, and see if that doesn’t boost your overall disposition within this world.

English for the Older Adults: How to Learn It

Older adults want to continue to learn English too…

Do you have a parent or a grandparent who needs a little boost in life? Learning languages is a universal solution for older adults to improve brain activity, find friends and get rid of boredom.

However, the first place in the ranking of the most relevant arguments in favor of English learning is that the elderly would like to have more fun in their lives and boost the interaction.

English is the language of international communication. It has long been no secret that this is the key to successful career advancement and “hassle-free” communication in any country.

Not all people on the planet speak it, but “gestures plus a couple of English words” is already a formula of mutual understanding, making it a significant push to study the language.

older adult learning english
Woman in Black Using Her Smartphone While Having Coffee

Try Private Lessons with the Older Adults to Learn English

Older adults need to try private lessons and find an English teacher. If you want them to practice additionally on your own, then it is worth remembering some recommendations. The person has to do it regularly, willingly every day, at least for ten minutes.

The best time for learning is in the morning. The first step should be familiarity with letters, sounds, reading rules, and phonetics. The person needs to find out how to pronounce a particular word with the help of transcription in the dictionary.

It can be an online translator, where there is a “pronounce a word” function. The older adult needs to listen to it several times, try to repeat it.

Visual dictionaries, which can also be found on the Internet, are very convenient. Ask some younger generation to help, and if you are an advanced Internet user, your usual search engine will help. Vivid pictures, words pronounced by native speakers, and translation into Russian will facilitate the memorization process.

The older adult will need to determine their English proficiency level in order to see how much they need to learn. Remember that people get an incomplete and not entirely accurate result from such tests, but it speaks the truth! This service is provided by many language schools and is often free of charge as well. Another technique that works well for adults is the so-called mind map.

Learning English is always a two-way process. If you are ready to study, you have the desire and motivation, and then it is essential to choose the right teacher. Most English language schools give a free first trial lesson. It will reveal to you the competence of the teacher.

Group Lessons Can Be Helpful

There are many opportunities to learn a language on your own. It is almost impossible to learn to speak alone with yourself. That is why many centers that provide lessons for older adults conduct classes for retirement age classes.

The basic skills in learning a foreign language are these: listening, reading, vocabulary, grammar, and speaking in the process of training. Many language schools also place great emphasis on pronunciation in their curriculum. The older do their homework and check it in the lesson with the teacher.

Training should take place twice a week, and the classes should last an hour and a half. There should be no more than twelve people in the group, so far only women. This diversity can positively impact the learning process: the students get to know each other, communicate, and have fun.

Positive Influence of Learning English

It is possible to look at the advantages of education in the “adult” age from a health-improving perspective.

Research in Toronto has shown the effectiveness of learning a new foreign language in preventing Alzheimer’s disease. Spanish woman Mari Huston began learning English after reading Shakespeare plays at 60. Now she is 90, and she perfectly translates the works of the Spanish writers into English.

Wrap It Up… Older Adults should study a foreign language

The life of a modern adult is in full swing at a frantic pace. Allocating time throughout the day is considered a skill taught by smartbooks, courses, business coaches.

Nurture the motivation of your older people to study a foreign language. Desire will automatically appear as the person starts the lessons. Passion will help people find time, energy, and money. This ingenious chain is the foundation of personal progress.

Terrifying side job stories show us the lengths creatives go to be successful

For the creatives struggling to make ends meet and clients who aren’t proud to pay… These terrifying side jobs stories are for you.

As people will remind us again and again, it can be hard to make a living as a creative. Many creatives are forced to seek side jobs to sustain their creative practices, but terrifying stories of these endeavors swarm.

The fear: Are side jobs sustainable for creatives?

As an English major, many of my peers have told me that my chosen major is “impractical” and that I’ll never find a job after graduation. Honestly, I’m scared they’re right.

It’s difficult to be successful as any type of artist, which is why many choose to do something more “practical” on the side. However, these side-hustles aren’t easy either. Here are stories of side-hustles gone wrong that remind us how difficult it can be to make a living as a creative.  

Exploited rideshare drivers

This past week, Uber Eats driver Smithson Michael posted an emotional TikTok of himself after receiving a measly tip of $1.19. He had been driving for this customer for more than an hour.

Even when you don’t consider how Uber tends to financially exploit their drivers, this is an insultingly small tip. “I got $1.19 and $2 from the app. What’s that? That’s not even enough to cover gas.”

Many of us take for granted these services and the people providing them. Drivers like Michael deserve our respect and compassion. 

Big side hustle fail: The Amazon tycoon wannabe

In his blog AcceleratedFI, writer Jim shares stories and tips to help his readers achieve financial independence. His content includes failed side-hustle stories. One in particular stands out, as he lost $1,600 after being promised he would make at least $10,000 per month.

As with many failed side-hustle stories, it starts with misleading advertising. A few years ago, it seemed that everyone was talking about how much money you could make from selling products on Amazon. And that is true technically; there are some people who have successfully monopolized product sales. But it’s not easy starting out. 

Jim paid $60 for a course on Amazon product businesses. He learned a few rules such as, “Your product should be small and relatively lightweight,” and “it should sell for $15-$50.” After researching products, Jim settled on a garlic press.

It was small and lightweight, and there were very few competitors. There were only four other garlic press sellers on Amazon at the time. However, as soon as he ordered $1600 worth of supplies, competition exploded. Long story short, he lost $1600.

Copywriting–bad for the soul?

Many young creatives will happily take any job that remotely relates to their field of interest when they’re first starting out. For example, Zulie Rane writes how she took a job writing product descriptions for bidgets. She earned a penny per word writing mundane descriptions of furniture. 

Although boring, the side-hustle might have been worth it if it was making her plenty of money. But with only a penny per word, you would have to dedicate a lot of time to actually make a substantial amount of money. There aren’t enough hours in the day for that. Plus, Rane writes that “it’ll crush your soul.” 

Many of us have to pay our dues when we first enter our chosen career, and it’s not fun. Sometimes, it is not even worth it. Do your best to prioritize both your long term goals and your happiness. 

What more terrifying than a side job story with no ROI

Joseph Terndrup writes on his website Side Hustle Nation about his failed side-hustle attempts. In one of his anecdotes, he describes how he tried to generate ad revenue by creating a content website. He spent months writing and producing content, yet he generated absolutely no ad revenue. 

If you Google “how to make money on the side” or “how to make money from home,” writing some sort of blog will always some up as a suggestion. But making money from your writing is not as easy as Google will tell you it is. It can take years to establish steady website traffic. 

For Terndrup, he spent $500 and 6 months of his time, and reaped $0 for his efforts. 

Dishwashing horror story

Melanie Lockert writes about her side hustle fails in her blog Dear DebtShe likes to use TaskRabbit to help her find gigs or odd jobs to make some extra cash. She’s worked holiday parties, helped people move, etc. Lockert has relied on these jobs to help get her out of $81,000 of student loan debt, but it has been no easy feat. 

One of Locker’s gigs was to clean someone’s fridge and to start a load of dishes in the dishwasher. It sounds simple enough, but unfortunately, Locker but the wrong kind of soap in the dishwasher. She had to clean up loads of suds and water.

After cleaning up the mess, she restarted the dishwasher, but made the same mistake. She failed to see that the bottle of soap said, “Do not use in automatic dishwasher.” Needless to say, she had to have an awkward conversation with the man who hired her. It didn’t sound like he’d want her back anytime soon.

As a creative, not all of us are fully appreciated in society. It’s not that easy to get a well-paying job right after graduating. Luckily, Locker has worked her way out of it through side-hustles, but the dirty work isn’t always as simple as it sounds. 

After these terrifying side jobs stories are more appreciative of creatives?

If you are searching for a side-hustle, try to consider what is profitable and what will make you happy. “Profit” and “happy” aren’t exclusively synonymous words, but do your best to find a balance.

And for the rest of you, make sure to show appreciation for the people working to support themselves as creatives. Many of them might be the people helping you throughout your day—your driver, your dog walker, whoever it may be—so they deserve your support.

Lin-Manuel Miranda and the problematic colorism in ‘In The Heights’

If you haven’t already heard, the Broadway star Lin-Manuel Miranda has taken his critically-acclaimed musical In the Heights to the big screen. It was released last week in theaters and on HBO Max, and it seems that it’s all anyone can talk about. But the conversations don’t just focus on the film’s material; In the Heights is being criticized for its problematic colorism.

Miranda first found success after writing In the Heights in 2005, which then made its way to Broadway in 2008. The musical surrounds the Latinx community in Washington Heights, and the narrative follows a range of characters, all with different dreams and struggles. 

Miranda’s fame grew with the success of Hamilton. The musical received praise for its ingenuity and diverse casting of Latinx and Black performers for the roles of America’s white founding fathers.

Like Miranda’s other works, his new movie displays a deeply talented cast with eloquently written songs. However, the film adaptation of In the Heights has been receiving plenty of criticism as well.

Colorism in ‘In the Heights,’ Lin-Manuel Miranda responds

A lot of people feel that In the Heights failed to adequately represent the Afro-Latino population of Washington Heights. Lin-Manuel Miranda intended for the musical and movie to artistically and accurately portray a community that society often ignores.

He tells Comedy Central’s The Daily Show with Trevor Noah, “Your job as an artist is to write what’s missing. All I want is for this neighborhood [Washington Heights] to feel seen.” 

Unfortunately, Miranda fell short. The Latinx community is a diverse group, so many argue that the makers of In the Heights were practicing colorism by omitting dark-skinned and Afro-Latinx actors.

For those who don’t know, Alice Walker coined the term “Colorism” to describe how people of color with lighter skin may experience more privilege than people of color with darker skin. 

Three days after the film’s release, Miranda tweeted an apology statement: 

Reframing his mistakes

We can learn from Miranda’s mistakes, as he would wish us to, but we can also learn from his progressive response to criticism.

In Miranda’s interview on Comedy Central’s The Daily Show with Trevor Noahhe responds to these critiques thoughtfully as he did in his apology statement.

When asked about the Afro-Latinx community who spoke up about not feeling seen in In The Heights, Miranda replies, “You have to acknowledge that and let it in…all I can do is learn from it and promise to do better. When you make something, you’re creating a frame,” and you have to acknowledge when you’ve left people out of that frame. 

Miranda cannot take back the mistakes he made with the film, but he can apply what he’s learned to his next project. He tells The Daily Show with Trevor Noah,

I’m happy to take the learning from it and bring that to the next one and also Hold space to be proud of the thing we made that has been half my life. I have to be able to hold both those things because they’re both true.

Lin-Manuel Miranda

Despite his shortcomings, Miranda promises to improve. This open-mindedness can only bolster his talent as an artist.

Whether it is a musical or movie, In The Heights and others need to preach accuracy and inclusivity, and to be conscience about colorism. I think I speak for most of us when I say we’re eager to see what he comes up with next. 

Living in the post-pandemic world: mask on, or mask off?

In a post-pandemic world that we have not yet reached but inch closer to every single day, will the social norm be to keep a mask on, or to take it off?

2021 is looking promising. The economy is making a steady return as the city reopens. The streets are crowded with people and traffic again. More and more people are comfortable with going back to shop in public spaces.

The comeback of tourists in the U.S., in addition, helps boost consumer spending in the country in general.

Even now before an official post-pandemic, is it mask on or mask off?

You might have already noticed the significantly decreased number of mask-wearing people in public areas.

While many states have lifted the mandatory mask covering order, some still follow the federal guidance to execute mask rules. At least in NYC, for example, people are still required to wear face coverings in public transportations, regardless of their vaccination statuses.

Living in the current post-pandemic world, people debate between keeping the mask on and forgoing the mask entirely and keeping it off. There are several factors that influence people’s opinions of mask wearing.

The increasing availability of vaccines to the public

At first, distribution of the Covid-19 vaccine was very limited and selective. The vaccine was only available to frontline workers during the time. However, as the production of the Covid-19 vaccine gradually catches up with the public demand, more people are able to get the vaccine.

People, generally, feel safer to be vaccinated; They consider the vaccine a barricade that protects them from being exposed to the virus. The vaccine, in this case, replaces the presence of a face mask.

The government relaxes the mask covering policy

Just not so long ago, CDC also announced that if a person is fully vaccinated, the person can accordingly take the mask off in public. Well, if they enter locations that still have specific face covering laws, rules, and regulations, they still have to obey the orders.

post-pandemic mask on
Image via Health Matters.

This is no doubt a thrilling announcement to people who have not been a fan of face covering. Nonetheless, the announcement is rather dubious and controversial.

The fact is nobody knows how many of those people who no longer wear masks have actually fulfilled their vaccinations. Besides, the stores don’t usually ask customers to show their vaccination cards to validate their vaccination statuses. People can honestly just lie about the fact.

The raging summer heat

Another reason to the rapidly declining mask covering practice is the summer heat.

The thick fabric of the mask traps sweats and causes regular skin irritation. It’s only predictable that people are reluctant to still wear them in the blazing sun.

That is why walking on the streets in Southern states like Florida, you barely see people wearing masks anymore. It’s not an exaggeration, the sun is really killing the skin. Nobody wants an awkward face mask tan.

Even as we approach a post-pandemic world, we must be smart and keep our masks on

The government seems to have the Coronavirus under control in the country for now. We haven’t heard as many cases as we did during the pandemic.

However, the question is, how much do we know about the actual Covid-19 infection rate at the moment? And since the virus is no longer the heated topic in media, people’s concern about public health seemingly contract over time.

new variants of covid-19
Image via Statista.

Recently, cases of new variants such as the Alpha variant (dominant in the UK) and the Delta variant (first detected in India) of Covid-19 virus have also spiked; they are becoming the dominant strain of coronavirus in the country.

These new variants are “stickier,” more contagious, and more life-threatening. The nasty part about the new variants is that people can still be contracted with them even they are fully vaccinated.

The problem is the public is not yet aware of the dangers of these variants. People get relaxed and think that the Coronavirus is finally going away for good

At present time, mask-on or mask-off is really a personal decision. However, for the good of public health and personal safety, maybe it is better to still maintain rationality at the time; we should all act cautiously and wisely choose the appropriate time and location to mask off if we really need to. After all, safety first.

What Juneteenth becoming a holiday illuminates about white supremacy

Juneteenth, both in its foundation and in its process of becoming a national holiday, illuminates much of the U.S.’s enduring legacy today. The delay in declaring the end of slavery, the concerted effort in squashing the truth from the history books, and performative justice in “celebrating” Juneteenth is all indicative of white supremacy.

White supremacy is like the bugs that feed on trees during the spring and summer. It is seen by most only when it is sought out, it is silent until exposed in all of its sinister sway, and yet it permeates everything in its path, wreaking destruction for the betterment of itself and nothing more.

What Juneteenth reveals about white supremacy is that not getting to the root of the issue, and rather providing performative “justice” is its bread and butter. And since the U.S. has yet to feel major ramifications from doing so, it will not stop anytime soon.

White supremacy dictated Juneteenth, so it’s no surprise it decided when it became a holiday

We know about the history of June 19. We know that with coordinated efforts in many parts of the U.S., white slaveowners made it impossible for their slaves to understand they were free. As such is the case with much of U.S. history: make people oblivious and ignorant to the truth, and the status quo will prevail.

Secrecy, silence, and sinister efforts. It would be hard to find a decade in the U.S. short history where these were not found. But it is all in preserving white supremacy that efforts can be understood. Preserving the preexisting power structure requires a lack of understanding and coalition.

So if the truth is muddied about the history of Juneteenth, and political pundits and commonfolk alike can say “well, we made Juneteenth a national holiday, so…” white supremacy can rage on. And it is here that we realize that infringing upon the masses ability to understand and act, is the greatest weapon white supremacy has at its disposal.

And it will continue to use that weapon until its dying days.

Juneteenth is a national holiday. But should we care?

For white supremacy to reign supreme in the West as it has for centuries, it must be not declared explicitly. The U.S. specifically must work under the guise of being a meritocracy.

White supremacy convinced many white people of the benefits of slavery. And to those who were unconvinced but still participated, their crime is perhaps even more heinous.

But what is more startling is the faction of lawmakers in DC making Juneteenth a holiday right now. No one is crying out for it. What we are crying out for is laws to be put in place to make sure everyone, not just suburban and rural whites, have an equal opportunity to vote.

What we are crying out for is justice against the police officers who get away with police brutality far too often. Finally, what we are crying out for is the opportunity to teach the youth the truth. Whether that is about just Juneteenth or the U.S.’s history in its entirety makes no difference. It all relates, and it all comes back to white supremacy.

Where do we go from here?

If we don’t have the ability to educate the next generations, what do we have? Well first, we have the opportunity to call out plain b.s. when we see it. Making Juneteenth a national holiday is nothing more than a distraction. Acknowledgment is the first step to moving forward.

What we can do is tell our youth at home the truth, even while formal education in America is further desecrated. And we can continue to push back against performative efforts like DC is taking part in now. If they don’t hear us now, they’ll hear us when we’re louder, when more of us are informed and upset.

Exploring Juneteenth in the 19th-century tells us a lot about the way the world was. Juneteenth being made a national holiday today tells us a lot about the way the world is. Merging these connections will illuminate our guiding light moving forward, we just have to do it together.

The Co-op Ride app could be revolutionary for the gig economy

Is the Co-op Ride app the savior to the gig economy and its plethora of problems?

What may have initially attracted drivers to work for rideshare companies like Uber and Lyft was a sense of freedom. They could make their own hours and, in theory, the money they’d make would be a direct result of how much they chose to work.

In other words, they would be in control of the fruits of their labor. However, this is not the case. Working in the gig economy is not always as profitable as it may seem. 

The problems within the gig economy

Companies like Uber and Lyft tend to exploit their drivers. According to The New York Times, drivers “[struggle] with the costs of vehicle maintenance, loans and insurance, and they [question] whether Uber and Lyft paid a fair wage.”

Moreover, The Drivers Cooperative reveals that 91 percent of Uber and Lyft employees are immigrants, and they are pressing these drivers into poverty by taking 40 percent commission. These rideshare companies are greedily exploiting people who our society already tries to take advantage of. 

With these facts in mind, it makes sense why drivers disillusioned with Uber and Lyft would want more control over their labor and payment. A former Uber employee started The Drivers Cooperative for this very reason. 

The Drivers Cooperative

The Drivers Cooperative is a “driver-owned ridehailing cooperative in New York City.” With drivers having ownership shares, they get more profit and agency over their labor.

“Members of The Drivers Cooperative make 8-10% more on each trip than on Uber and Lyft, and all profits go back to drivers as dividends,” according to their website. They will also charge less for rides.

“While Uber and Lyft make their money for Wall Street and Silicon Valley investors, we will be a co-operative. So any profits will go back to the drivers.”

Ken Lewis, The Drivers Cooperative

So far, The Drivers Cooperative has recruited over 2000 drivers, so it looks like it might truly give Uber and Lyft in New York City a run for their money. 

Why you should support worker-owned businesses

Many beneficial consequences result from worker cooperatives like The Drivers Cooperative. Here are a few:

  • They support individuals, creating empowering jobs for workers
  • These businesses are more likely to use sustainable practices, as the owners are community members. 
  • Helps reduce the wage gap
  • They have the same profit motivation as other companies

 If you’d like to support more equitable business, ride with The Drivers Cooperative and download the Co-op ride app. Co-ops are changing the ways businesses are run, and you should encourage that change.

COVID graduation: The bittersweet feeling of “freedom”

It’s been quite a year… And in spite of its few silver linings, plowing through Zoom calls and online examinations only exacerbated the desire of students to get this academic year over with. With the uncertainty dictating our lives, envisioning “graduation” during COVID revealed itself to be even more of a challenge and a roller coaster of emotions.

Still, this important transition was celebrated in a variety of ways across the nation. We asked graduates who were recently granted their freedom about the bittersweet feelings behind such an experience.

An attempt at reality

It was nothing like what I expected.

Amanda, Cornell University

Among other colleges like Duke University and New York’s Fashion Institute of Technology, Cornell University was one to make an in-person graduation possible for its students. Amanda, who recently graduated from the institution, shared her feelings with us following the event.

“I was relieved and grateful we were able to have some sort of in-person ceremony,” she said.

“However, it felt a bit impersonal that we didn’t get to walk across a stage or hear our name announced. I was so glad to be allowed 2 guests, though I wish my whole family was able to watch in person. In classic Ithaca fashion, the weather was gloomy and cold, but it almost felt like the perfect way to culminate my experience at Cornell.”

A COVID graduation… on Zoom

Unfortunately, an in-person commencement was not the choice of every college. Padma, a graduate student of NYU, explained she was grateful for one thing. This was in fact her master’s graduation and not her bachelor’s.

I would be really devastated if it was my undergraduate graduation ceremony this year, because one can get as many masters as they want, but a bachelor only happens once in a lifetime.

Padma, New York University

NYU’s mention of an in-person commencement fell through relatively quickly. This was to the understandable sorrow and frustration of many, especially as restrictions seemed to loosen.

The university’s ceremony was held on Zoom. And in spite of efforts, it could not equate to what graduation is truly supposed to be like. The students’ disappointment, made worse by the year that led up to it between unchanged tuition fees and lack of human contact, was rather unanimous.

The disconnected feeling of celebration and the lack of opportunity to take graduation photos as one traditionally does in front of the arch at Washington Square Park, all contributed to the particularly bittersweet taste of this year’s transition to freedom.

I don’t know what a master’s graduation was like before Covid-19, but I’m sure the atmosphere was definitely more formal, celebratory, and real.

Padma, NYU

For students this academic year, finding silver linings in the unexpected

Despite the ache of not having graduation take place in person, the circumstances let some students get creative. Trinity, another graduate student at New York University, shared her own adventure with us, starting with this:

NYU ditched me on graduation, so I ditched NYU for Hawaii!

Trinity, New York University

Granted, that may not be the traditional take on the event. But taking the good with the bad, the group of recent graduates sought to create their own unforgettable experience on the special day.

“A couple of friends and I planned our graduation trip to Hawaii after we heard that we wouldn’t have an in-person graduation,” said Trinity from NYU.

“I mean, what could be cooler than wearing your bikini under your graduation gown and having a graduation ceremony at the beach? We zoomed in to the virtual commencement at 4 am local time. Just to catch the moment when our names were called. Then we fell back asleep, ready for a day full of activities in the nature.

It was THE BEST GRADUATION experience I’ve ever had! Yes, not having an in-person graduation basically means not having a graduation at all. But we found a better (and hotter) way to celebrate this significant journey and transition of ours, together!”

Trinity, NYU

A COVID graduation isn’t ideal, but it means just as much, if not more, as any other year

Graduation isn’t quite replaceable. It’s a transition that happens once, maybe twice, or a handful of times. But each one signifying a new chapter in life.

It is with heartache that for another season yet, we had to watch these accomplished students throw their caps in the air at a distance or through a screen. But in no way does the peculiar unfolding of events take away the value and importance of what graduation represents.

We wish every one of the students from the recent academic year the greatest of successes in the future; one that is hopefully brighter and more real than the past year proved to be.

Why does acclaimed director James Cameron love oceans so much?

It is quite a flooring fact that humans have only discovered about 20 percent of the entire ocean. 80 percent of the ocean is uncharted, unmapped, and undiscovered territory. One person out to change that trend in the oceans is well-known director and oceanographer, James Cameron.

A man who could have easily racked up the box office funds after early critical acclaim, Cameron chose to fulfill his lifelong dream of cavernous exploration via submersibles and continuous exploration

james cameron ocean
James Cameron and Bill Paxton dive beneath the surface to explore Titanic remains (via

“I look for things that haven’t been done. I like finding that gap between everything that hasn’t been done and what I think can be done.”

James Cameron for The Guardian

How has James Cameron explored the darkest parts of the ocean?

The ocean itself is an enigmatic behemoth. It is quite a marvelous task to try and map out the entirety of the ocean.

Therefore, Cameron and his crewmates have picked apart significant portions of the undercurrent. Cameron and crew are fascinated by the accessible “alien worlds” available for the cost of scuba equipment.

Here are some ways by which James Cameron delves deep into the ocean:

Cameron travels via small, sophisticated submersible vehicles that allow for definitive archaeological determinations. He also uses cutting-edge human exploration to provide frontiers of knowledge.

Additionally, Cameron unleashes the sheer unpredictability of nature to unfold stories that leave viewers awestruck. And he opens a specific window in history to create stories that live on in underwater lore.

James Cameron knew that he had a dream he wanted to fulfill since a young boy. At age 16, he begged his father to enroll him in a scuba class until he finally landed a dive.

In Buffalo, NY, as an adolescent amongst a group full of adults, Jimmy Cameron got his opportunity to learn how to scuba dive and then never relinquished it. 

“My idea of a vacation is to take the whole family to Tahiti and spend the week doing underwater photography with underwater vehicles.”

James Cameron for The Guardian

James Cameron’s exploratory oceanography

The most impressive feat accomplished by Cameron gives him ultimate explorative credibility. He was the first solo visitor to reach the bottom of Challenger Deep in the Mariana Trench.

Challenger Deep is 7 miles below the surface and represents our planet’s lowest point. This is just one of many remarkable descents into the ocean made by the likes of James Cameron. 

James Cameron is respected within the oceanography realm because he is a true leader. By utterly immersing himself in maritime efforts, Cameron attacks the behemoth, cavernous underdwelling that is the ocean. 

He excels at displaying humanity, intimacy, emotions, and also technical complexity. His unwillingness to settle has thus provided major wavelengths via fresh content that provides intellectual purpose.

James Cameron submerged into his desired habitat (Earthship Productions)

It is all of our jobs to learn more about the oceans

Director James Cameron still does not just conduct his love for oceans and his love for films separately. Rather, he combines the two so the rest of the world can explore. With Titanic, Deepsea Challenge 3D, and the mesmerizing The Abyss, Cameron has given fans of his films for years also the reason to be fans of the wonders of the ocean.

Cameron does not pursue anything that he is not willing to try his hand at as well. That fact alone, also coupled with his proper storytelling and courageous content shows how Cameron wishes to contextualize our future – through exploration and frontiers of knowledge.