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New interactive series Recipe Remix combines music, technology, and cooking

There’s always been a natural connection between music and cooking. As the work in the kitchen goes on, a background soundtrack just sets the right mood.

But it can be tough to transition between making your recipes and DJing. The cook might not have the time to perform all duties in the kitchen while also keeping track of the setlist.

A new collaborative series from Nue Agency and betaworks combines music and cooking seamlessly to take the stress off both efforts and help you make amazing new recipes while also getting some new tracks to listen to.

Nue Agency and betaworks’ new series Recipe Remix pairs musical artists and food brands (available on Amazon Echo and coming soon to Google Home), for a handsfree cooking and musical experience.

The debut episode of Recipe Remix sees trumpeter Spencer Ludwig preparing his favorite Ritz cracker and meatloaf recipe while also listening to his rendition of New Kids on the Block’s “You Got It (The Right Stuff).”

Ludwig whips up his recipe while jamming out to his own music in a fun environment that combines some of our favorite things in the world, music and food.

The trumpeter spoke about the experience,

“The music distribution and digital media landscape is constantly evolving, putting more responsibility on artists to understand and uncover new ways to form meaningful connections with their fans. The smart speaker is a new and potentially powerful medium that brings the artist into connection with audiences in their kitchens, just as a guest or a family friend might join over dinner.”

Recipe Remix really does bring the artist into the home, but it also offers a more intimate experience with food brands. In this case, RITZ crackers has teamed up with Nue Agency, betaworks, and Ludwig.

Lauren Sella, director of RITZ equity for North America, explained the partnership,

“Since 1934, RITZ has celebrated the richness in coming together. And this year, because we know that good food and good music go hand in hand, we wanted to connect the two in a way that has never been done before. Recipe Remix and Spencer Ludwig were the perfect partners for us in this, and we’re thrilled to be working together to bring this first episode of Recipe Remix to life.”

Brands are always looking for new and interesting ways to collaborate and bring their product to life. Recipe Remix is a fascinating new approach to brand-seeding.

As we see this coming together of food and music, one aspect of the partnership that sort of lingers in the background, but is integral to the entire series, is the technology itself.

Recipe Remix is made for Amazon Echo and Google Home. James Cooper, Head of Creative at betaworks, talked about how these technologies provide new opportunities for brand integration,

“With the advent of the Amazon Echo and Google Home we’re rethinking the relationship between music and the home. People want to listen to music while doing other tasks, like cooking. We thought we could find an interesting way to use this new technology to enhance cooking. So you control the recipe and playlist with your voice. It’s new but once you get the hang of it, it’s great. Like Spencer says in this episode, ‘You’re talking to your kitchen. Don’t worry, it’s totally cool.’”

It’s no surprise to see betaworks involved with something like Recipe Remix. The New York-based startup platform has created products like GIPHY, Tweetdeck, and bitly, all of which seamlessly provide everyday technologies to the consumer.

Betaworks working alongside Nue Agency is a partnership made in collaboration heaven. Nue Agency brands itself as a “Creative Music Agency for the New Era,” always searching for innovative ways to give music listeners new experiences in a constantly evolving industry.

Jesse Kirshbaum, CEO, Nue Agency, spoke about being the catalyst for bringing these brands together on Recipe Remix,

“We look forward to creating more episodes as a vehicle for brands like RITZ and artists like Spencer to connect with newer, tech-savvy audiences. Cooking a meal together is a memorable experience for fans and it creates a deeper connection than even social media. This is only the beginning and we’re looking forward to seeing how the show evolves as more people engage with voice-activated products and content.”

As technology continues to change the face of the home, we’ll surely continue to see inventive and interactive ideas like Recipe Remix pop up.

Check out the preview of episode 1 with Spencer Ludwig here.