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NASA just discovered another solar system that looks a lot like ours

There might be an exact replica of our solar system somewhere out there, light years away.

To confirm it, NASA has claimed that their exoplanet searching Kepler Space Telescope just found the eighth planet that is part of a scrunched up version of our solar system.

Mark this day, as it is the first time a star system with as many planets as ours has ever been found.


It orbits its sun, Kepler-90, once every 14 days and has an extremely hot surface, 800 degrees Fahrenheit. That’s way too hot for us humans too chill, or any life form for that matter.

Still, this is a huge discovery and the Kepler-90 star system is basically a mini version of our own solar system. In a NASA announcement on Thursday, astronomer Andrew Vanderburg said,

“The Kepler-90 star system is like a mini version of our solar system. You have small planets inside and big planets outside, but everything is scrunched in much closer.”

Nasa just found an alien planet in a solar system a lot like our own

Sifting through old data from the Kepler telescope and using artificial intelligence NASA and Google were able to find the eighth planet.

What the Kepler Telescope actually does is measure the drop in brightness of stars as planets orbit in front of them. Google then used a form of artificial intelligence called machine learning to analyze those flickers of light.

According to NASA, machine learning is an approach to artificial intelligence in which computers “learn.”

In this case, computers learned to identify planets by finding in Kepler data instances where the telescope recorded signals from planets beyond our solar system, known as exoplanets.

Basically, researchers trained computers to learn how to spot the faint signals of small planets.

This was all inspired by the way the neurons are connected to the brain.The AI was able to pick up on a minuscule change of brightness.

Researchers Christopher Shallue and Vanderburg were able to create an  artificial “neural network.”

This is just the beginning and there is a lot more sifting to be done as Shallue and Vanderburg plan to use the same neural network to analyze 150,000 different stars.

Hopefully, one day we will find an exoplanet just like earth to move too because our planet is seriously cooked AF.