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Leave it to Rieber: Simon says art is the way

Simon Rieber is the digital artist of our generation.

At Kulture Hub, we highlight vibrance within our communities. We know art can be transcendent, and thank god for the world of social media that has opened up endless opportunities for people to learn about artists building on culture.

Keep in mind, you must punch in countless hours to reach mastery at anything you do. The sole focus always comes back to your ability to tap into your core and define what makes you special. If you have a dream, do whatever it takes to protect it.

Simon Rieber is a 25-year-old digital artist from Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. His contributions to the online world cannot be understated simply for the precision and attention to detail he pours into every piece.

We took some time out to chop it up with him about his creative process.

For Simon Rieber, the medium is the message

Simon Riebers Waves to the Crowd (Credit: S.Rieber)

KultureHub: Art is a wonderful medium for expression. When you first got started, how much of your art was for personal benefit and how did it transition into a full-blown content creation service?

Simon Rieber: When I started doing art I didn’t expect any benefits, I did it because I wanted to. After I started posting my work online I realized people are offering something different and then I positioned myself as a graphic content creator.

Simon Rieber on his inspirations

Chiworld is my muse.”

Simon Rieber

KH: Who or what specifically made you go to the drawing board and develop your skills?

SR: I am inspired by seeing what other artists have drawn or painted. I’m also extremely inspired by nature and animals. I really like to draw because I can show my feelings in my drawings. Many people ask me who taught me how to draw but I tell them that it is just inspiration and it runs in my family.

The beginning of Rieber’s journey

KH: When did you start creating content? In what ways has social media helped and/or hurt your brand?

SR: I officially started creating content in 2018.

Social media enables me to add value to my stakeholders in a targeted way, allowing me to communicate faster, more often, and with greater relevance. Satisfied customers are more likely to share their experiences with others online which will in turn help to promote my brand and bring in new customers.

Simon Rieber

What makes Simon Rieber unique?

KH: How do you differentiate yourself from all of the artists within your creative niche?

SR: I understand what makes my style uniquely mine is the first step in defining the audience for my art. For instance, perhaps you work in ceramics and use interesting geometric patterns on your products, this could be what makes your work uniquely yours. Photographers and artists may have certain lighting schemes or color palettes that make their work distinctive.

Delve into what makes [your] creative craft uniquely yours and hone that ability.

Simon Rieber

KH: How has where you were raised had an influence on the work you do? Do you have plans to give back to the community with your work through murals or events?

SR: In my country, the art of painting has become very popular, and my work is loved by many. In any case, I am ready to give back to the community.

Advice for fellow creatives

KH: Do you have any advice for aspiring illustrators or graphic designers?

SR: My advice to other artists is, don’t attempt to imitate another designer’s style, listen to your clients, and gain experience.

Reflecting on a talk with Simon Rieber

Certain music artists that Rieber has collaborated with on his art include Lucas Coly and Leah Robinson.

Simon Rieber is an unrelenting artiste in every sense of the word. Always lock in to what makes you different.

Embrace your flaws and embody your role to the utmost degree. That way, you can find your creative niche and continue to progress throughout your life.