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Instagram is getting rid of LIKES: Why the change and what it could mean

Starting next week you will not be able to see how many likes a post on Instagram receives.

At least temporarily…

At Facebook’s “F8 Conference” earlier today, a spokesperson said that the company is beta testing hiding likes from the public. By the way, they’re beginning next week.

“We are testing this because we want your followers to focus on the photos and videos you share, not how many likes they get,” an Instagram spokesperson told Techcrunch.

“We understand that this is important for many creators, and while this test is in exploratory stages, we are thinking through ways for them to communicate value to their brand partners.”

Those who are still addicted to their “likes” numbers need not worry. Hiding the amount of “likes” won’t affect the algorithm.

It’s no secret that Instagram has made lasting, dare I say irreparable, effects on our generation and culture. To be an Instagram influencer is the new gold rush and everybody and their mama are cashing in.

The marketability of likes and retweets has created a new-aged phenomenon we’ve never seen before. It’s easy to see that individuals are doing whatever they can do to attract attention and boost their appearance.

It’s a dangerous game, from huge massive failures like Fyre Fest to posting fake ads on Instagram for clout. Honestly, they took it to far and messed the game up. So, it’s obvious the company wants to make a change.

The only issue is that there are hundreds of thousands of legitimate influencers whose paychecks are dependent on those likes. The IG spokesperson stated, “We understand that this is important for many creators, and while this test is in exploratory stages…”

“We are thinking through ways for them to communicate value to their brand partners.”

The company will begin testing in Canada because “Canadians are highly social and tech-savvy, with over 24 million people connecting across our family of apps each month. We wanted to test this with a digitally savvy audience that has a thriving community on Instagram,” a company spokesperson explained to Tech Crunch. 

In addition to controlling the focus of “likes,” the company also wants to lead the fight against internet bullying.

According to Tech Crunch, the new Instagram features will include:

A new “nudge” feature will warn users if they’re about to comment something hurtful. The test stops short of censorship while still addressing bullying before it happens.

“Away Mode” will encourage users to take a break from Instagram at intense times in their life, like moving to a new school. They don’t have to delete their account, but can still get a break from constant notifications and concerns about how they look.

“Manage Interactions” will allow users to set limits on how certain people interact with them without having to block them completely. Maybe you don’t want someone to be able to comment on your posts, but still, Like them. Or you’re cool with them seeing your photos but don’t want to get DMs from them.

Only time will tell how people are going to take to not receiving likes.