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How K-Pop stans are bodying racist trends all over the internet

K-pop stans rise up! Best known for their fierce fan bases the K-pop community has decided to take it one step further and use their enormous fanbase to fight the racist trends all over the internet.

For many years, they’ve been known for their progressive and politically aware community. And the #BLM movement is no different for them.

In order to show their support of the protests in the US, many stans have taken it upon themselves to hack into the racist hashtags and flood it with fan-cams of their favorite artists.

Thus taking the side of protestors and making it virtually impossible for anything other than their memes and videos to be found under them.

The taking over of racist hashtags

#WhiteLifeMatters and #WhiteLivesMatter




In fact, many K-pop stans have used the hashtag so often while being able to show off their favorite member’s choreography that twitter has even put it into the K-pop category.

Many racists have taken it upon themselves to criticize these fans for their “disrespect” and “refusal to let the truth out.”

Who knows how the racists will react when they realize the K-pop stans are doing everything they can to make sure the lies the racists try to spread never reach Twitter’s algorithm.

Working with Anonymous

K-pop stans are so powerful that they’ve even garnered the attention of Anonymous, the infamous international activist/hacktivist group that is best known for their cyberattacks against the US government and many other countries. And the Church of Scientology.

Anonymous has called on the K-pop stans for help to take down many racist hashtags and apps that the police have been creating in order to get the identities of many protestors.

Anonymous and K-pop stans now work in tandem with each other. Their most recent feat? The takedown of the Dallas Police Department’s app (iWatch) by spamming it with fan-cams and memes until it crashed. The app was originally created for identifying protestors.

Unfortunately for Dallas PD, many people have other ideas.

Another win for K-pop stans!

If there’s one thing we can admire about the K-pop stans is their tenacity. Bless up for your service!