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Elisa Lee’s body positive illustrations are sensationalizing women’s fashion

Elisa Lee’s body positive illustrations and great artistic talents are a very interesting take on fashion and the depiction of beauty. She is a Korean born illustrator and an Otis College of Art and Design graduate, located in Los Angeles, California.

Lee is someone who sees the diversity in fashion as her muse. Growing up in Korea, Elisa has only recently been introduced to the American fashion market and feels that fashion is drawing up great avenues of expression for all to benefit.

Elisa Lee
Triptych: Jillian Mercado

Notably, Elisa’s time in Korea, transitioning to the states, has made her see the contrast of her upbringing. Priming her worldview of fashion and how diverse it can be.

This is what has influenced her to create an illustrative art series called “Body Positivity” which represents the different types of women who crave fashion regularly.

Korean trends follow a certain template, not just of the demographic but even the size of the women.

“As a Korean, I think it is great to see the United State’s fashion industry because Korea’s fashion industry still lacks inclusivity. Considering the fact that most of the customers are not size 0 or 2, I believe it is great to see more [diversity],”

Elisa Lee
Triptych: Mama Cāx

She acknowledges the influential factor in fashion and considers it as most inspiring. The views Elisa shares of fashion is one that embraces individuality and offers “a way to express yourself and make yourself look beautiful regardless of your flaws.”

Body Positivity is a series of illustrations that display the beauty shared throughout human beings and fashion. Depictions of actual people who range in physical beauty from size to physical disabilities like skin disorders and genetic disorders.

Elisa Lee
Triptych: Stacy Paris

Elisa, being minimal in her fashion style, reaches for lots of colors when creating her art.

She has a canny ability to represent the different varieties of women with a vibrance that makes them pop from the page as stylish, recessing the physical ailments and disabilities of the subjects.

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