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7 creative ways to beat the boredom during lockdown

Even if you don’t mind being at home for longer periods, it’s safe to say that this lockdown is getting to everybody. So how exactly do you beat boredom during lockdown? Even with restrictions slowly being lifted, it’ll be a long time before everything is back to normal, which means you’re going to have to be more creative with ways to entertain yourself at home. 

Here are some great boredom-busting options!

Try New Recipes 

Love to cook? Try some new recipes. Hate to cook? Try some new recipes! You’ve extra time on your hands, so there’s really no excuse for not using this time to eat healthily and try some fun new recipes. Who knows – you may even discover a passion for cooking you never knew you had.

If it doesn’t work out, well, there’s always the takeout on speed dial. 

Reacquaint Yourself with Old Music 

Remember those old songs you used to listen to, maybe back in your school days, or maybe just with old friends you haven’t seen in a while? There’s nothing better than getting all nostalgic and listening to the songs you’d forgotten about for a while. 

Or, maybe you have a treasured collection of old vinyl or CDs – if so, now is the perfect time to wipe the dust away!

Get a Paddling Pool 

If you’re lucky enough to have outside space during lockdown, and the hot weather inside is getting a little too much for you, make your garden a more fun (and refreshing) place and get a little paddling pool! Perfect for family pets to cool off, too. 

Try Online Gaming

Gaming is going to pass the time considerably, and you can try online gaming with friends, or your pursue own online gaming preferences: whether that’s your favorite app, checking out play-to-win games online, or learning more about

Find a New Hobby 

Everyone has one hobby in the back of their mind that they’ve always been curious about, and maybe your busy life before lockdown got in the way. Well, if you’ve bags of free time, now’s the perfect opportunity to go for it!

You can always order supplies online to stick to social distancing and have everything you need to be delivered to your home, whether it’s art supplies, a sewing machine, or the latest bestseller you’ve had your eye on for a while. 

Connect with Friends 

You can still connect with friends even if you’re stuck inside. Have a happy hour from a safe distance over video chat, or play a weekly quiz. Even just a quick phone call makes all the difference if you’re missing your best pals!

Catch Up on Housework

It doesn’t sound like the best option to cure boredom, does it? However, if you’ve had house maintenance work you’ve been meaning to get around to for ages, now is the perfect time to do it. Have a thorough deep clean and take care of all the household jobs you’ve been meaning to do, while you’ve got the chance! You’ll thank yourself later.