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PHLOTE helps independent musicians within the cryptocurrency space

While some remain hesitant to adapt, PHLOTE embraces change with a headstrong, user-centric mentality. PHLOTE operates significantly within the cryptocurrency NFT space and does so with integrity.

Phlote Brand Kit Image via Dylan Tull

The value offering it provides bestows knowledge of the space, collaboration, and a proclivity for ownership.

We sat down with some PHLOTE team members to discuss more about the brand’s inception, evolution, and how to get involved with this rapid-paced cryptocurrency space.

PHLOTE CEO Alton J. Washington shares marvelous insights

Kulture Hub: Please tell us all about your brand and what endeavors you have planned.

A.J. Washington: PHLOTE is a decentralized music platform built on blockchain technology to help independent artists. We think the music industry is ripe for this type of disruption. We think that independent artists are in need of the support that this technology provides. 

Instead of waiting 9-12 months for a royalty system that’s complex and unreliable – we are able to recoup money right away.

A.J. Washington (CEO, Phlote)
cryptocurrency space
WinAmp Image via Julian Riviore

KH: How might the cryptocurrency space benefit the consumer?

A.J.W.: This is a great space to be in because you’re able to not only identify artists early before they’re known, but you can invest in them through their tokens.

This is an inverted model that we’re heading towards where the community is the owner of the platform.

He made more money in a day selling NFT’s then he did all last year through selling beats.

A.J. Washington on PHLOTE collab with Producer Jansport J
Brand Kit Image via Dylan Tull

KH: In what ways does it take a village to survive the jump from Web2 to Web3?

A.J.W.: Anytime that you are interacting with this platform you are generating benefits that accrue to you. The highest contributors are also the largest owners.

That’s where we’re headed – to a WEB3 also known as blockchain. Essentially how PHLOTE will be organized – we want to be a community and user owned platform, which is what the real true potential of WEB3 is. We’re really excited about exploring this model.

KH: Can you share more information about the PHLOTE Crypto Design Lab?

A.J.W.: Using the design lab teaches artists how to use crypto, how to implement new business models that all creatives must learn how to employ.

Bossing up in the cryptocurrency space

KH: What is the PHLOTE Crypto Accelerator looking like?

A.J.W.: The accelerator is used to accelerate knowledge around the space and familiarity with this technology so that eventually artists come through this program they can build self-sustaining businesses for themselves and as we say – PHLOTE.

KH: Of the artists that you have worked with – who had the smoothest transition into the NFT game?

A.J.W.: One of the first artists we worked with was an independent artist out of Houston named Billy Racxx. He came to us right before he was about to release a project with no crypto knowledge. But he had this concept that he wanted to release and a bunch of assets that traditional artists would not have. 

He had 3D assets, a video game that he was developing, in addition to the music and music-related assets, like cover art and all that stuff. He came to us ready-made for this world because he creates so many different mediums. 

KH: Didn’t Billy Racxx create a creature that looked like Samara from The Ring crawling into your screen?

A.J.W.: Yeah, so we made the project called CREATURE as a collaborative project between him and a Russian producer named White Punk. It was a couple creatures that were made that looked like spiders.

One dude from Memphis showed the big spider on a bridge and people were really engaging with these AR/VR creatures in a pretty interesting way.

KH: Sort of like a hologram?

Anton: Yeah, so when you have the NFT you can essentially point your phone at anything and it shows it in real life as if it were there.

Carving out your space

Basically, PHLOTE knows the ins and outs of the cryptocurrency space.

The company provides valuable information, is inclusive, and gives you the tools needed to become versatile. Tune in and get on the Web3 wave before you fall behind!