Cuffing in the summer isn’t a bad thing, but is it holding you back?
We had our resident baddie Jenna, aka Jenziino, hit up the legendary Max Fish bar in the LES recently to ask a bunch of sauced ass New Yorkers what they think about staying in a relationship once winter is over.
It seems summer is the best time to get it poppin’. You know, it’s nice outside, everyone wearing a little less, and you’re a little (lot) more drunk than usual, so it only makes sense that you’re just out here wildin’ right?
Or is it better to stay cuffed up and always have someone to do fly shit with? But then are you low key creeping on them at the same time? And are they creeping on you? Chill.
These are all questions we put out there for a bunch of people trying to get laid in a bar.
Realistically, there may never be any final answer to this question but who else is really asking this shit, feel me?
At the end of the day the choice is up to you. Just don’t play yourself.