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Would a Bernie Sanders x AOC collab be the wave? The fam investigates

It was both exciting but not too surprising to hear that Representative and beloved Bronxite Alexandria Ocasio Cortez endorsed Bernie Sanders for president.

Bernie also went so far as to say that AOC would have a place in his administration. But what are the wins and consequences of AOC joining the executive branch?

Here are the pros and cons of Alexandria Ocasio Cortez leaving congress for the white house.

Pro – She’s one of us

Ocasio Cortez has been the shining light for what is possible for people of color and specifically women of color in the public service sphere.

A young woman who was stuck working jobs that did not offer a liveable wage, with the understanding of what it means to be working class and barely surviving.

She is one of us and as such fights for our betterment with that in mind. As part of an administration that already would have a commander in chief with socialist objectives, AOC would keep fighting the good fight.

Con – Congress loses one of us

AOC taking a position at the Executive Branch level would require her to give up her seat on the House of Representatives. The fear is that if she’s not there who will be?

Will her useless predecessor Crowley take the spot again? Or maybe someone worse?

Pro – A Chance for more POC in Congress

What if the opposite happens though? What if AOC’s absence will inspire more women of color and minorities to seize the seat?

There are definitely qualified and passionate individuals with similar backgrounds and experiences that can keep us going.

AOC is not the only one.

Con – All the works in progress

AOC has been championing environmental justice since day one. But she might have to put her legislative work on pause depending on what position she gets in Bernie’s administration.

Sure there are others in the squad fighting for a Green New Deal but they’d be losing a big player. Plus her growing influence in Congress might wane.

Pro – AOC brings environmental justice to the WH

Perhaps AOC will still be able to focus on environmental justice. Plus, the executive branch will have someone that understands how climate change affects poor and racial minorities first and more devastatingly.

Overall, AOC’s addition to Bernie’s Administration would be amazing. Their views align and she even worked on his campaign in 2016.

So, we know she’s been on the wave.