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Women’s Convention message is simple and empowering: ‘Stick together’

There was a clear message at the Women’s Convention in Detroit this year: Women are united, and we need to stick together.

2017 has been dark and cloudy with the political and social changes taking place around us. Hollywood blew up with assault claims, rightfully shunning those involved in scandals. Our own president has been repeatedly accused of sexual harassment, only to have accusers written off as “liars.”

Rose McGowan, who came forward with Harvey Weinstein allegations a few weeks ago, which led to her Twitter getting deactivated, joined the convention with a tearful speech,

“Thank you to all of you strong, powerful #MeToos. Thank you Tarana for giving us two words and a hashtag that helped free us. I have been silenced for 20 years. I have been slut-shamed. I have been harassed.”

McGowan stirred up support from the crowd as she, with a glossy glare, motivated all women everywhere to come forward and share their truths.

“I’m just like you. Because what happened to me behind the scenes happens to all of us in society. And that cannot stand, that will not stand. We are free. We are strong. We are one, massive, collective voice.”

The Women’s Convention had plenty to discuss just a short nine months after the Women’s March in January cultivated a 2.1 million strong group of supporters.

“Every woman has a story.”

4,000 people joined the rally, and according to The New York Times,

“Women were tackling a broad and sprawling list of issues, including Republican efforts to repeal the Affordable Care Act, threats to the environment, mass incarceration, reproductive rights, workplace rules, the accessibility of child care, treatment of immigrants, protections for transgender people and more.”

We’re fighting like never before for things like abortion rights, women’s reproductive care, and Affordable Health Care for all.

Congressional representative Maxine Waters delivered a keynote speech aimed at Donald Trump’s mistreatment of women.

Via Vox,

“We’re waging our own war against rape and sexual harassment. We’re waging a war against the perverts who believe we can be misused or exploited in the interests of a job, or recognition, or even so-called love…”

Mrs. Waters spoke about the copious number of women who connected with the #MeToo campaign.

“It is very fortuitous that we are gathered here this afternoon in Detroit as we continue to witness a record number of women who are boldly coming forward to reveal disturbing and grotesque acts of sexual harassment, assault, and rape, oftentimes at the hands of men who believed they were too rich and too powerful to ever be confronted or held accountable.”

Mrs. Waters said to the chanting crowd:

“Donald Trump is the most dishonorable and despicable human being to ever serve in the office of the president.”

Sexual harassment claims regarding Trump have been spilling since his infamous “Grab ’em by the pussy” statement was leaked, and Waters, with the full-fledged intention of speaking her honest opinion regarding the United States’ President, empowered women everywhere to lead the resistance.

“This is a man with no good values, no good intentions and no good respect. That’s why I know we must keep fighting, and that women must lead this resistance. We cannot afford to be shut down or shut up by any man, particularly not one as indecent and deplorable as Donald Trump.”

Regarding Trump, Waters wanted to go a little more in depth with her stance. From Vox, “She mentioned the Access Hollywood tape, allegations of sexual assault against Trump, and Trump’s treatment of women politicians, including his ‘stalking’ of Hillary Clinton at the second presidential debate.”

“I want you to know how thrilled I was to participate in the January Women’s March It was not a protest. It was a movement that was founded by and for women from all walks of life who are very concerned with the future and direction of this country. I walked and I talked and I laughed and I cried and I saw those pussycats — and I went crazy.”

“You know how you feel, and you know when you have been violated. You know when you have been mistreated, and when anybody does that to you, and any of these men trying to put you in your place, just remember what Hillary should’ve said,” #CreepGetOffMyBack

Symone Sanders, Bernie Sanders press secretary, addressed race relations and talked about how it was time to focus on Black women.

She spoke about how 53% of white women who voted in 2016 voted for Trump while 94% of Black women voted for Hillary.

Follow women of color. #WomensConvention #ReclaimingOurTime 📷: @vlpernot

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There was a discussion held on Friday, “Confronting White Womanhood,” to talk about how to, “unpack the ways white women uphold and benefit from white supremacy.”

The conference garnered a positive response according to the Huffington Post, deeply affecting attendees and successfully refocusing on the issues that collectively hold us back.

Getting involved in this critical time for women’s rights can be as easy as sharing a story on an online bulletin board. What’s important is that women everywhere recognize that each and every one of us is meant to speak up and have our voices heard.