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Who is the bigger savage: Floyd Mayweather or Conor McGregor?

The superfight of the century is almost here and people have pretty much made up their minds.

While Conor has most definitely been giving Floyd the verbal hands, it seems the popular opinion is that Mayweather is gonna wash him quick. Don’t tell that to any Irish fan but at the end of the day, the fight itself is gonna be trash so we all sick.

Still, never have we seen lead up quite like this and when it comes to trash talking and being an all around savage, this match has already delivered a greatest of all time performance.

Sure the press conferences leading up were wild but it’s the respective trash they’ve talked throughout the years to other opponents, elderly people, and in other big fight situations that makes them truly savage.

So who has the upper hand in the mind games department? The truth is, both men are so well off (especially Floyd) that none of this petty shit really matters to them.

They are both in control and have crowds hanging on their every word. People are really gonna buy this fight, and yes, they are really gonna generate hundreds of millions of dollars each off of this.

Of course Mayweather has the upper hand there but it’s the whole reason why Conor McGregor is trying to take fights like this in the first place. He has now placed himself at the class of the elites in the fight game.

Who knows, maybe all this trash Conor has been spewing may actually pay off and he can surprise Mayweather. But realistically, yeah… nah.

At the end of the day I can ramble about this shit all day or you can watch the video above and pull up to the pop up in Vegas and make sure you got something to remember this history by.