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What are the correct Queer terms? We got you and beyond

Political correctness can be problematic because it insinuates there is one right way to address something. However, when terms are constantly changing, we should almost always assimilate out of respect.

In honor of Pride Month, we’ve created a mini glossary on terms used throughout the LGBTQ+ community.


This umbrella term covers different facets of members of the community.





Q-Queer or Questioning



+ includes: pansexual, gender, gender queer, bigender, gender variant, pangender

Biological/assigned sex

This categorizes humans at birth based on their chromosomes, hormones, genitalia, and secondary sex features like breasts and body hair. Often, “male” and “female” describe this.


A gender-nonconforming person is someone who doesn’t identify with the characteristics of being male or female. Moreover, they don’t follow stereotypes on how they are supposed to act based on their assigned sex. Often, gender-nonconforming people are transgender or trans.

See below for the definition.

Transgender or trans

A trans person’s gender identity is not the same they were assigned at birth. In most cases, trans people physically transition to their desired sex via gender reassignment surgery or hormone therapy.

This means a trans woman is assigned male at birth and transitioned to a woman. A trans man is assigned female when born and transitioned to a man.


This term includes a variety of gender characteristics that don’t allow someone to identify as male or female, distinctly. Some of these sex characteristics are chromosomes, gonads, or genitals.


You may have recently learned Spongebob Squarepants is asexual. Asexual describes someone who does not have sexual attraction toward others. As a result, this creates a lack of sexual orientation or some of its variations; heterosexuality or homosexuality.


A crossdresser dresses in clothing that is typically associated with being male or female. However, they may have no intent to live full-time as either. The old term, “transvestite” describes this. However, the term is derogatory and seldom used today.


Someone who goes by the pronouns “Ze/Zir” is gender-neutral. This means they do not identify as male or female. The pronouns “he/she” or “his/hers” don’t refer to this person. On some occasions, “they/them” refers to these people. Always ask in advance.

Most of these terms existed before they even had a name. As society progresses and we become more open, we begin to incorporate these terms into everyday life. Pride Month or not, respect those who wish to be identified in a certain way.