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Underscore Ave is the creative network for the new age

There is no better feeling than empowerment. We’re talking about when you diligently put your all into something and it comes back in a full-circle movement. Underscore Ave is here to revolutionize the way we connect, network and move within important cultural spheres.

Full circle movements are pursued to gain that “small world” feeling where you make mutual connections that you never thought were possible. Underscore Ave is a creative network working to revolutionize the economy for creatives.

Underscore Ave resides on the corner of greatness and velocity

Dante Stewart and Eddie Hayes joined forced to culminate the ultimate curation platform.

Hayes [CEO] has a strong background in the cultural realm and is clearly a catalyst. Stewart was a double major in computer science and Japanese at Depauw University and provides versatility.

Together, the two have pushed Underscore Ave to the forefront of the culture in order to give themselves to others.

underscore ave
Let your aura do the talking (via Medium)

This company makes it abundantly clear that it can serve as the bridge between young creatives and their ideal path in any industry.

Their infectious persona as a team is contagious and they give artists the keys to interpersonal connection. There is no doubt that you must apply yourself and truly absorb wisdom along the way.

Nothing in this life is given, only earned

Underscore Ave prides itself on well-calculated maneuvers. Their company offers endless game on how to promote your brand, expand your network and create content that will resonate. 

cultural sphere network
Founder Eddie Hayes proudly poses atop his company banner (via

Their motto is simple: “Make a name for yourself.”

Reputation takes a lifetime to build and moments to destroy so it is imperative to always put your best foot forward. Never do anything that might jeopardize the bag. 

With that, it is extremely important to find affinity within common grounds. By surrounding yourself with like-minded individuals that ride same wavelength, you will be able to positively impact everyone involved.

Underscore Ave serves as an aggregate towards the culture

When this social platform began they had one ideal in mind: servitude. They deal with people from all walks of life and connect them through a myriad of mediums.

Underscore Ave puts on showcases, seminars, listening parties, etc. to serve as promotional hubs. They aim to have a transformative impact on the creative community. 

Their selfless acts exhibit that they operate with others in mind. As long as the job is done correctly, who gets the credit is irrelevant.

Matter of fact, Underscore Ave seems like the type of company that would allow for the artist to receive 100 percent of the credit as long as both parties continue to move onward and upward. 

Trust in your autonomy 

Underscore Ave provides competent and practical solutions for any inquiring mind.

They encourage young creatives to move with purpose and be specific with the questions you ask. Never ask something that could be answered with research – unless it is strategic in nature. This creative network is breaking the mold for how we will operate in various cultural spheres in the future.

Five parting gems courtesy of Underscore Ave

  1. Accountability turns losses into lessons
  2. Be vulnerable
  3. Create from a place of inner harmony and meaning
  4. Unravel yourself
  5. Transcend time

Underscore Ave is out to mobilize, revolutionize and leave a legacy. They exist within extremely diverse circles and execute with wisdom and personality.

Drop them a line and see how you can become apart of the movement today!