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Uber is partnering with NASA to make flying vehicles, it’s very hotboy

Yesterday, Uber’s CPO Jeff Holden announced at the Web Summit in Lisbon that UberAir will become a reality by 2020.

How? The $70 billion company is pairing up with NASA. Holden told Bloomberg about the framework of the deal,

“NASA is developing the framework and they have a whole kind of model for testing it under different conditions as technical capability level approaches. We are engaging them with the last stage of that called technical capability four…”

Holden continued to explain the collab,

“This is about working in dense urban environments and so we are already very advanced and far along with their process. But, Uber is developing the technology to implement this. We will actually be building the actual technology the aircraft will talk to and actually managing and navigating airspace…”

UberAir is finna fly your chick to her next business meeting

Obviously this begs the question, ‘Is this fucking hot boy?’ It might be.

The forward-thinking aircraft technology does not exist, yet. That is, electric, autonomous, aircrafts that have the ability to take off and land vertically, aka VTOL. To add, the infrastructure to support such a vehicle doesn’t exist either.

This definitely proves that Uber is the most sus transportation service on the planet as they show us something that is nonexistent. But, the company is hoping to change the game by pairing up with NASA.

Both companies signed a Space Act Agreement, which will create brand new air traffic control systems to manage these low-flying aircrafts.

What does this mean for the trill beings of the planet? You can flex on all of your haters from the sky.

The Uber Elevate service will allow you to bypass traffic-dense areas in less time. Uber will be launching the service in LA, and recently added plans for Dallas-Fort Worth and Dubai.

Peep this trip description from San Fran to San Jose

To keep it a buck, who will be able to afford this? Is this a way to separate the one percent from us peasants? That isn’t the mission according to Holden.

According to an interview with The Verge, Holden said, “That’s not Uber’s MO. If we’re doing this, you have to believe that we’re going to get the price very low.”

Yeah, ok. We’ve all heard that before. To be honest, on some fly shit, I’m trying to send a shawty home in an Uber Air.

It doesn’t get any flyer than that.

There are a lot of bonuses to Uber Elevate. Who knows? It could be the best thing that has happened to transportation.

SIKE, FOH! I’m good, air travel is already dangerous enough. But that’s just my opinion, let us know how you feel. Are you fucking with Uber Elevate?