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Tyrese is sounding extra sick while taking wild shots at The Rock

Let me just start off by saying that The Rock could truly body Tyrese — on the movie screen, at the bank, and with the hands.

Second of all Tyrese is a grown ass man and his behavior this past week is highly suspect. When he decided to throw up this spicy Instagram post taking shots at DJ, we could only shake our heads and ask ourselves, whose mans is this?

Not saying that Tyrese isn’t a talented actor or anything but this dude sounds EXTRA salty. Let’s examine what he said here:

“Congratulations to TheRock and your brother in law aka 7 bucks producing partner @hhgarcia41 for making the fast and the furious franchise about YOU – And like you, DJ even if they call I will not be deleting this post – Gn folks see you in 2020 April #FastFamily right? Nah….. it’s about #TeamDewayne #3yrs will it be worth the wait? #NoShaw just Hobbs will this be another #BayWatch? Guys guys just relax I’m just a passionate film critic.”

First off, homie spelt Dwayne wrong and second of all this is just business!

He’s clearly upset because The Rock agreed to do a spin-off movie with Jason Statham involving his character Hobbs which will push the Fast 9 release to 2020, but how you really gonna be mad at that?

It’s not The Rock’s fault he’s booked and in high demand. And it’s not like there hasn’t already been EIGHT FUCKING Fast and Furious movies already.

Look it is kinda crazy, but I’m sure you can find another role somewhere to make up for the delay. If not just chill at the crib with all your whips and shit.

But of course Tyrese had more to get off his chest, making it all personal and shit.

Diversity, love, multi ethnic worldwide multi generational, United Nations, One Race, Fast Family…… Until Dewayne showed up I guess this whole time he had a problem cause he wasn’t the ONLY ONE on the movie poster……….. I guess dreams do come true congratulations to @hhgarcia41 and @therock you guys are just amazing you really broke up the #FastFamily I tried to warn you guys… You thought I was hating…… I was simply fighting to keep the family together what makes us great is when you see us all TOGETHER we don’t fly solo….. #MyLastPost today….. I got 3 years of venting on this clown – They offered but YOU didn’t have to agree with a solo #HobbsMovie #OriginalFastFamily we salute you and stand on your shoulders #VinDiesel #PaulWalker #RobCohen #RomanTej were offered a spin off we TURNED IT DOWN!!!

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This dude is really breaking down here. One of the most important lessons in business is to never let emotions get in the way of making the bread. Do you think The Rock has time to even read these posts homie?

The best part in all of this is that The Rock has yet to respond. Dude ain’t even tryna stoop to this level and waste his time with this. He’s out here running a conglomerate and taking over the world!

At the end of the day, we wouldn’t be surprised if this was all just another marketing ploy compliments of The Rock. Dude did come from wrestling and knows the value of selling a storyline. Remember when he and Vin Diesel had that “beef”? These dudes are way too breaded to really be getting mad about some petty shit!

Then again, Tyrese could really be on some h-h-hoe shit considering that DJ still hasn’t responded. This dude just won’t stop posting shit about his feelings. The IG fingers on this one are getting out of hand.

Well, let’s see if The Rock finally decides to respond.

Let’s just hope he doesn’t body Tyrese too hard. The dude has a family and all that.