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Trash company in Jersey deadass tried to recreate ‘Wolf of Wall Street’

Corporate Bailout LLC, a debt-relief company in Monmouth County, New Jersey is being hit by a lawsuit, the details of which would make the Wolf of Wall Street deleted scenes.

Just peep this video to see for yourself:

The lawsuit alleges that very fact, with lawyers writing of the office environment:

“So sexually aggressive, morally repulsive, and unlawfully hostile that it is rivaled only by the businesses portrayed in the films ‘Boiler Room’ and ‘The Wolf of Wall Street.’”

The New York Post described another moment in which high-ups at the company routinely sexually harassed and assaulted women employees.

From the Post:

“In one raunchy example of the alleged debauchery, owner Mark Mancino and manager Michael Hamill were described as regularly summoning a female sales representative to a private office by shouting out, ‘Wendy — get your t-ts in here.’”

The Post also spoke to Matthew Luber, of McOmber & McOmber, the plaintiffs’ lawyer.

Luber told the Post:

“Defendants shamelessly created a sexual harassment playground fueled by drugs and alcohol and swarming with hand-picked young women rewarded for dressing and behaving provocatively — all in order to indulge their misogyny and vulgar sexual perversions.”

The lawsuit further alleged that hiring practices were adjusted in order to hire attractive women employees with the purpose of having sexual relationships with them.

From the lawsuit:

”Defendants intentionally hire young ‘attractive’ female employees for the specific purpose of having quid pro quo sexual relationships. Older male managers obsessively pursue and engage in sexual relationships with younger female employees, and they use their money and power to coerce female employees into… sexually promiscuous conduct in the workplace.”


This kind of environment is pretty fucked up, but not altogether surprising.

Seems like it’s over for these dudes.