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These athletes remind us that cannabis is therapeutic

Cannabis is quite a strange fruit with unusual connotations. The plant itself carries no harm, hardly any negative properties, and does not provide a clear athletic advantage. Rather, cannabis is much like a recovery protein shake in the sense that it provides therapeutic qualities and the utmost relief.

The strange fruit aspect surrounding cannabis involves the stipulations, the fact that it is most commonly referred to as “marijuana” and the pick-and-choose aspects that are involved.

For those unaware, cannabis has always been safe and undeserving of a Schedule 1 categorization. After Prohibition, Harry Anslinger, Commissioner of the Federal Bureau of Narcotics, saw too little cocaine and heroin use.

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Common posters after Prohibition ended – a tool of targeting minorities (via New Republic)
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Anslinger propaganda (via KQED)

Therefore, he manufactured a war on drugs with white supremacist overtones and fear appeal. Turning it from medicinal to evil cannabis became marijuana and the propaganda machine began turning its wheels.

Cannabis can be therapeutic

Today, cannabis has proved its medicinal and therapeutic properties, has become widely accepted and adopted. And has even allowed certain investors to make a ton of money.

Yet it still remains a Schedule 1 drug and a punishable offense for Olympic track stars such as Sha’Carri Richardson. Here are a few athletes and businessmen that prove cannabis provides a significant boost in relief and is a tool for fair productivity.

Montell Williams is a classic man

The plant aids this man’s journey with Multiple Sclerosis and has pushed him to become quite the activist.

His Michigan Cannabis Prisoner Relief Fund aims to achieve restorative justice for those persecuted due to skin color surrounding this harmless medicinal agent.

Many people are convicted of a crimeless activity while others build generational wealth from cannabis. It all depends on who you are and who you know.

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Dreads and cannabis do not make you a criminal (via Worldly Saints)

Ricky Williams blossomed within the wrong era

Ricky was nailed to the cross as one of the athletes using cannabis while in the NFL. Little did people know, Ricky busted his tail in the offseason and cannabis drove him to try nontraditional forms of exercise.

For instance, yoga and ballet were adopted into his routines to maintain balance and homeostasis. Certainly ahead of his time, this is another example of how Anslinger’s desperate actions led to the criminalization of a perfectly normal and even advanced human being.

Calvin Johnson toked and still couldn’t tolerate the unbearable NFL pain

“Megatron” was forced to retire at the ripe age of 29.

His body could not take the gauntlet the NFL put him through any longer. After every game to heal himself, CJ would consume cannabis. In no shape or form was he trying to hurt himself, anyone else or doing anything wrong.

Yet, he had to keep this postgame ritual under wraps for fear of losing sponsorships and even his contract with the Detroit Lions. Simply unfortunate.

Al Harrington’s cannabis brand is named after his grandmother, Viola

Cannabis healed Al’s mother’s glaucoma as she was finally able to see the words in her Bible moments after inhaling. If that doesn’t tell you that cannabis can be therapeutic, nothing will.

Harrington spearheads cannabis efforts around the country and has advocated to make it the potential wellness product of Ice Cube’s BIG3 basketball league.

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Al Harrington points a mile high to the sky (via BIG3)

He never smoked while in the NBA, but now enjoys the benefits and properties that the plant has enhanced within his own life.

His vertically integrated company, Viola, operates in Colorado, Michigan, Oregon, and California. Kenyon Martin serves as a pivotal investor as they fight for sensible, equitable, and diverse policies. 

Cannabis is clearly synonymous with healing

Michael Phelps & Tim Lincecum have proved their ability to perform at an extremely high level of competition and both enjoy a toke or two.

Scientifically, there is absolutely nothing that proves cannabis is harmful. It may prove to be slightly habit-forming but much like any device or substance in this world, it is contextual and depends on the person. These two men proved they can be successful and put forth upper echelon effort all the while utilizing cannabis as a medicinal tool along the way.

All in all, cannabis has done much more help to athletes and business bodies than it has done harm. It is the corrupt overlords that have made it hurt innocent people and who flipped the script on the plant for the worse.

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Opportunities exist as long as enough people understand (via Minority Cannabis Business Association)

Unfortunately, corrupt systemic regulations remain firmly in place and it will take years of resistance and activism to dismantle them. Until then, keep on keeping on for all that is right in the world!