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The unique relationship between writer and reader

The relationship between writer and reader is as old as the writing itself. It all began when the first human being wanted to write down what he felt, thought, and remembered so that others could read it.

Through that act, concepts and images began to be shared. It is here that this wonderful anachronistic relationship between writer and reader was born, which, as we shall see, has no term of comparison with other bonds.

Today we have decided to enter with you in this magical link, which has no space or time limits. Let’s begin this brief ode dedicated to all the readers and writers of the world.

Books, readers & writers

Being in the past an essay writer free online and now working on my novels, I believe that the relationship between an author and a reader is something unique in the world and comes about thanks to that medium we love so much: books. 

We probably don’t stop long enough to think about this special bond’s effect on our lives. But if we stop to reflect on it, we will undoubtedly realize the unique and influential place it plays in our existence. 

As a writer, I am aware that my words fill the pages of my books to tell readers what flows in my imagination and make them live new experiences, places, and experiences.

Also, to share different points of view about life and to accompany them on a journey to different historical periods and their characters. 

Readers grow and learn through the stories we tell as if they were living them themselves. Thus, with words, we have the excellent opportunity to influence some aspects of those who read us positively.

As a reader, I have experienced firsthand how specific readings have affected me. As I told you in another article, my desire to write novels arose from my passion as a reader.

Thanks to the influence the characters created by authors such as Sir Walter Scott and Stevenson had on little Teo, the desire to write grew in me over time.

Books spread emotions, sensations, fabulous places, historical or imaginary moments, and the experiences of characters that sometimes existed in reality and others that did not.

Beyond this, each book we read and write changes us, leaving a mark that, in some way, readers and writers share, even without knowing each other in the first person.

The reader’s thousand literary lives

The following sentence by writer George R.R. Martin perfectly describes the wonderful effect books have on the reader: 

“A reader lives a thousand lives before he dies. He who never reads lives only one.”

What makes it even more interesting is that work’s influence on each person is different. It depends on its interaction with the fantastic mental world of the one who reads.

Some readers take in an overview of the book pragmatically, learning something new. Others become so immersed in the novel that it is as if they are living another life, almost forgetting their surroundings. 

In addition, although the writer creates the story, the reader also has a creative role. A story without readers is as if it did not exist.

Always open a book in your hands, and remember that you have become a creator. You are now part of the audience of readers of that book. Therefore, as long as you read, you have the power to bring the words of that book to life. Without interaction with your mind, words would be nothing more than ink on paper.

The creative words of the writer

Writers capture, in our writing, our entire creative intellectual world. We spend years creating landscapes, environments, and stories and empathizing with the characters we make. Like us, they have personal experience, emotions, and a personality that defines them.

All this effort, which we enjoy immensely, pays off only when those creative writing examples can reach the minds and hearts of readers. As the poet Robert Frost wrote:

“No tears in the writer, no tears in the reader. No surprise in the writer, no surprise in the reader.”

Our role is to transmit, with body and soul, the story we carry inside, to express it with the right words so that the images and sensations of our mind can reach the reader.

This is the only way to generate a lasting and deep bond, opening ourselves to the reader and, in this way, making ourselves known, even without introducing ourselves.

As you can see, there is an extraordinary relationship between the reader and the writer. On the one hand, it is a connection between two people who do not know each other but simultaneously share their most intimate and personal side through paper or a screen.

It is a reciprocal and symbiotic relationship. As we have seen, without one, the other could not exist. The reader and the writer co-create mutually without even realizing it.

One of the most striking aspects of this bond is its ability to survive time, even beyond death. Readers of every era keep authors and their works alive with time, not only through memory. Reading gives them the power to bring stories that were written thousands of years ago back to life.

A unique and unforgettable relationship that only books can tell.