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Relaxing Music Genres

Here are the 5 Most Relaxing Music Genres Revealed

There is a reason why babies fall asleep after listening to lullabies; these soft, easy tunes help them relax. The power that music has over our minds doesn’t suddenly change as soon as we enter adulthood, so music still can be used to help us relax and even fall asleep if that is the goal. Here are the top 5 most relaxing music genres.

Reggae music is still relaxing the world

Reggae music is one of the most soothing, uplifting, and therapeutic music genres to listen to and there is really never a bad time to start listening. Wherever you are in the world, reggae can add a relaxing and chilled vibe to the atmosphere, including beach bars in Bali or even when played at weddings and other celebrations towards the end of the night.

For great reggae artists, you don’t have to look much further than the iconic Bob Marley. However, in recent years many talented new reggae artists have been producing great music.

Once you find a love for this relaxing and soothing style of music, you will start to understand that reggae music is also about culture, with other areas of it seeping into your life, such as the style of dancing you adopt and the cuisine you begin to indulge in.

We always look to Smooth Jazz

Jazz music has been proven to be so relaxing that it can actually be used to cure your body. The smooth, slow beats help to lower your respiratory rate and heart rate to a more healthy beats per minute measurement, such as Blue in Green by Miles Davis, at 55 BPM, and Almost Blue by Chet Baker, at 56 BPM.

This can help to dramatically reduce stress and even help to recover from a stroke by improving verbal memory, focus, and mood, with one study proving that jazz music increased a listener’s verbal memory by 60%. Furthermore, jazz music can provide natural pain relief for conditions such as migraine headaches and reduce chronic pain when listened to daily.

Country music can be relaxing?

There are different styles of country music to listen to such as country-pop and country-rock, however, the most relaxing kind is certainly classic country.

Listening to country music will make you chill out and focus on the easy lyrics of the song so that you can escape from any stresses of the day. As much as country music is relaxing, it is also fun, and you can find yourself often tapping your foot along to the rhythm quite quickly, helping to boost your mood and feel happier.

Classical and Ambient music has become a go to

Classical music is relaxing in a much more soothing way since it doesn’t have any substantial ups and downs to get you excited and is generally quite slow and flowy.

Ambient music such as the sounds of running water and whale noises have also been renowned for having a positive effect on relaxing people’s minds, with these sounds the first choice for getting relaxed before a poker game for players like Negreanu.

Next time you feel like you need to calm down and just relax, try one of these top 5 relaxing music genres to help soothe your mind and body.