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Stan Lee’s ex-business partner was reportedly finessing him before his death

Stan Lee, the man behind some of the biggest films in the past decade, was reportedly the subject of abuse before his passing in 2018, reports say.

A spokeswoman for the Los Angeles Superior Court told The Hollywood Reporter an arrest warrant was issued for Keya Morgan. Morgan was charged with multiple counts of elder abuse including alleged false imprisonment.

As of right now, Morgan is not in custody but his attorney, Alex Kessel, told The Associated Press that his client is not guilty and he expects him to be exonerated.

The new drama surrounding the late comic icon can actually be traced back to last year. In April, THR reported that Lee was quarreling with his most inner circle. He also claimed they were financially motivated to take control over his life.

In result, that same summer, Lee’s legal representatives filed for a restraining order against Morgan, which was granted.

Also to be noted, last month, Morgan pleaded no contest to filing a false police report. He was then mandated to stay away from Lee’s family and residence, along with completing 100 hours of community service, according to the Los Angeles City Attorney’s office.

While all the facts of the case aren’t out, the potential of foul play going on with Stan Lee would be a let-down of epic proportions, from what he has brought to the culture and our childhoods.

His Marvel franchise is the highest grossing movie franchise in history. Thus far the franchise has raked in $23 billion at the box office and Lee as an executive producer boasts a personal fortune of around $50 million. To think of someone wanting to bring harm to a 90-year-old, let alone of these accomplishments is saddening.

Now, Stan Lee did not live a life without blemish. In April of last year, the Marvel mastermind was accused of sexual misconduct by several home nurses who used to work for the 95-year-old.

According to the lawsuit, Lee was accused of assault, battery, violation of the Illinois Gender Violence Act. Additionally, he was accused of emotional distress, and named his former assistant, Max Anderson, in a count of civil conspiracy. The later charges stemmed from two separate massage therapy sessions on Apr. 21 and 22, 2017, in a Chicago hotel room.

But that doesn’t mean he, even in death, deserves to be canceled or be denied justice if these allegations prove true. Lee and his team denied the claims, he just never lived long enough to have his name cleared.

Lee died in November of 2018.

More information on the case is sure to develop as they look to arrest Morgan until then we can only hope justice is served for all parties involved.