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Show Yourself Love: Why You Need To Add Self Care To Your Daily Grind

The daily grind can easily become overwhelming, especially if you’re focussing on work, school, family – and a combination of all three – and end up neglecting yourself in the process. From endless, boring commutes to dramas at work, stress over college deadlines, and all the notifications and buzz in between, it’s no surprise that modern life leaves many of us feeling pretty frazzled.

This is exactly why self-love is so important – making some time to invest in yourself and your happiness can make all the difference when it comes to your stress levels and your ability to cope. And, the good news is that there are plenty of options out there when it comes to inviting self-love into your everyday life.

Get A Better Night’s Sleep

Self-love isn’t always about treating yourself to a back massage or getting a nice pedicure – although there’s nothing wrong with that, either! Sometimes, it’s about going back to the basics and making sure that you’ve got what you need to make sure that your body and mind are getting the rest and recharge that it needs.

If you’re sleeping on an old mattress in a room that doesn’t really make you relax when you get in bed, something needs to change. Consider updating your room to calming colors – or if you’re not in a position to redecorate, hanging peaceful or uplifting wall art can help. And upgrade to a memory foam mattress so that you’re getting the most comfortable, relaxing sleep every night.

Practice Mindfulness

When your head is buzzing with a million thoughts, just a moment of mindfulness can make all the difference. So, instead of scrolling through your social media feeds for the hundredth time with no real reason to, give yourself a moment to clear your mind and regain some calm.

Meditation is certainly not a new idea, but it’s been scientifically proven to help you feel better and less stressed – and with anxiety levels at an all-time high among young people, it’s become even more essential. Why not try an app that you can download to your smartphone to help you get into a Zen-like, calmer state? Headspace and Calm are some popular options that you can use anywhere.

Set Boundaries

Setting firm boundaries is one vital self-care tip that often gets overlooked. Let’s face it – no matter how many great podcasts you listen to, how many relaxing treatments you try in a week, how comfortable your bedroom is or how often you meditate, saying yes to everything that everyone asks you to do is still going to leave you feeling overwhelmed.

You don’t need to do everything, be everywhere, and please everybody – so if you’re feeling off-balance and overworked emotionally, there’s nothing wrong with pushing back and setting some firm limits.

Get Moving

When it comes to escaping the endless onslaught of screen time we deal with these days, an exercise class is a great option. Even better – go to a swimming class, then you know for sure that you’ll need to leave your phone in your locker.

A full hour where you can focus on nothing but yourself and your body and have an instructor telling you what to do is a great way to unwind, take your mind off things, and get those endorphins going.

Hot yoga is a fantastic way to let off some steam and stretch the tension out of your body or try a spin class HIIT to get moving after a long day spent sitting at your desk.

These are just some of the best options out there for practicing self-care in your daily life. What you do like to do for yourself?