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Ready for Friendsgiving? Here are 5 homie types you need at the table

Friendsgiving is becoming more popular among young people than Thanksgiving. Family is no longer limited to blood and our lifestyles are different so why wouldn’t we spend a day of gratitude with those we love?

But playing it safe and making sure whoever comes thru to your crib is valid is always better than not. That’s why we had to make sure you were wild prepared for this year’s Friendsgiving.

Here are five types of friends to have at your Friendsgiving.

The Stoner

Bud seems like it should be essential at a holiday dinner that is made for overindulging. So, make sure you invite at least one known stoner to your Friendsgiving. If you choose well, they’ll likely bring everything you need.

They’ll be the person to ask for help if the bong isn’t working properly or someone’s pen is on low battery. Plus stoners always help start the philosophical discussions on life, and what better time to have that then on a day when the theme is based on family and self-reflection?

The Entertainer

You know this person.

They’re the life of the party. They know how to get everyone dancing, laughing just having an overall good time. It wouldn’t be a bad idea to invite a few of these people.

They have good stories, keeping everyone engaged and making your gathering memorable. But be prepared to become distracted from the need to check on dinner, that’s where the planner comes in.

The Planner

This could be you, the host, in which case you’re covered.

But if not, you’ll need a seasoned pilot to keep the food, drinks, and activities in order. Signs of picking the right person include bottles of spice in their bag, a group activity or game they can explain perfectly, or they simply arrive extra early to help set up.

The new-new friend

This could be a coworker, a classmate, a friend of a friend.

Thanksgiving is a time to take stock of what you have, to appreciate it and allow space for more positivity. Deepening your relationship with a new friend will not only make the Thanksgiving one to remember but also create an atmosphere where new possibilities are explored.

The sus friend in the shadows

Every holiday season it’s important to check on the friends you haven’t heard from for some time. The holidays can be hard for a lot of us. Winter blues start to creep in, and mental health can take a dive.

Inviting your quietly disengaged friend may help them weather the storm and will also make it so you can continue to support them through whatever difficulties they may be enduring.

The shifting dynamics of a family are making Friendsgivings more popular.

As Millennials and Gen Z understand the importance of mental health and self-care, rejecting old traditions that do more harm than good is the way to go. Friendsgiving allows for support, care and positivity to flourish in place of uncomfortable and often toxic interactions with relatives.

The family you choose is often the most loving and nurturing one of all.