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Quarantine and chill? Why virtual cheeks might be the new wave

Finding a partner had already become different with the introduction of dating apps and the internet.

There are so many more ways to meet people and connect, you’re no longer limited by your own social circles. But here’s the thing, while many relationships can begin online, in order to make them last you need to feel that chemistry in person.

There’s only so much quarantine and chill vibes one can take.

Horny? You’re your safest sex partner

The NYC Health Department is definitely not playing around. In fact, they released a whole memo with sex guidelines of which one of their main points is just don’t have it.

The memo is way more specific than that though. First and foremost it’s asking you to masturbate. Then it moves on to say that your long term partner that lives with you is the second safest bet.

So, if you’re single or dating around you’re pretty much told to keep it to yourself as much as possible. The wilder part of the COVID memo is the recommendation to avoid eating ass.

Dating doesn’t have to stop

So what’s a single person to do? Well, you don’t have to just close yourself off from the world.

Virtual dating is now your only completely safe solution at least physically.

Now we’re not recommending a Love Is Blind type deal. You can still see your love interests. Just do it through a digital device.

There’s plenty of plugins to keep things interesting. If you both play games, you can go online and play together. Nearly every new game has an online option.

If you wanna quarantine and chill, try Netflix Party to stream a film with your date. You can try cooking a meal over video chat together. Cyphs over Skype can be dope too.

And maybe even have phone sex like it’s the 90s.

Risk your heart, not your health

We get it, sometimes you can’t tell what the vibes are like if you’re not there in person. If you do decide to meet it’s probably best you avoid physical contact.

Take a walk outside together, have a picnic, just don’t share any food or touch.

We already live so much of our lives digitally. For many of us, this adjustment is not far fetched. It just requires you to focus more on the mental and emotional connection you have with love interests and less on “physical activities.”