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Permit Patty deservingly gets dubbed by the internet and cannabis industry

Alison Ettel, aka Permit Patty, and her days of flipping cannabis has come to an end. She really thought she was poppin’ out here, calling the cops on 8-year-old, Jordan Rodgers, who was selling bottled water outside of her apartment building.

Never call TWELVE on a little black girl trying to raise money so she can go to Disneyland, stupid! Not only that, don’t duck down when your spot is blown. Word of advice dodging the camera made you look wild dumb and even more guilty of “racism.”

How are you going to roll up with the hater shades, hair looking all crazy, the wife beater untucked and have the audacity to ask a tween if she has a permit? You are not TWELVE. Mind your own business and keep it moving!

Rogers’ mother, Erin Austin, couldn’t have said it better when she pulled up on Permit Patty — “She calling police on an 8-year-old little girl. You can hide all you want. The world gon’ see you, boo.”

I mean look at yourself, Permit Patty. The whole world did see you “boo-boo” in your true racist form, shame on you. Didn’t you learn anything from BBQ Becky? We bet that you regret your actions now as you have been officially dubbed by the internet and the cannabis industry.

Was it worth it Patty? Word on the streets is that several Bay Area marijuana dispensaries said that they will no longer carry your TreatWell Health products, according to The San Francisco Chronicle.

One dispensary even decided to sell your hotboy cannabis animal/human products for the “extreme low” and donated the proceeds from the remaining sales to Rogers and Black Girls Code, an NPO focused on providing technology education for African-American girls.

Katie Rabinowitz, general manager of Magnolia Oakland, told the San Francisco Chronicle,

“Compassion is supposed to be at the forefront of this industry, and to see the way this has played out — with a complete disregard for a child’s wellbeing — I think it was a disappointment.”

Also publicly severing ties from TreatWell Health was Berkeley Patients Group who took to social media to announce the disassociation.

In all seriousness, no one is fucking with you. The Apothecarium, the Bloom Room, and Green Trees Wellness also made it known that you are not valid, according to the San Diego Tribune.

Green Trees Wellness aired you out on IG, “Green Trees has not carried any Treatwell products since late 2017, and because of Ms. Ettel’s bigoted behavior our collective will never be doing business with the #Treatwell brand again, or any other venture she is involved with in-perpetuity…”

Lest we mention that, you Permit Patty, were about to make your big screen debut. Well, sucks to suck. According to CBS, the producer of “Lady Buds,” an upcoming documentary on women in the legal cannabis industry, said you will no longer be part of the project.

The producer took to IG and said,

“To clarify our previous statement, Alison Ettel is no longer affiliated with the documentary Lady Buds due to her racist and divisive actions. Our project is committed to social justice and there is no room for hate or discrimination in society, the cannabis industry, or our film. We are removing all content that remotely promotes her or her business from our various platforms and will be removing her storyline from the film and all film materials.”


Shon, even your company had to disassociate themselves from you. TreatWell spokeswoman Cynthia Gonzalez told The San Francisco Chronicle, “It is Ms. Ettel’s belief that TreatWell, its employees, and patients should not have to suffer because of a situation that occurred in an escalated moment.”

Lowkey, the internet is hoping that your resignation was submitted too late in order to redeem your company. Plus, sources point to your product being suspect AF. Back in 2015, you told The San Francisco Chronicle that the company’s practice was “kind of like ‘don’t ask, don’t tell.'”

Permit Patty, you suck, racists suck, and your product is sus. Still, good luck on your weeping tour. The internet, cannabis industry, and I wish you the worst. Next time don’t call the cops on a little girl, jerk.