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Peep Meghan Markle as a woke 11-year-old speaking out against sexism

Meghan Markle and Prince Henry have just recently announced their engagement.

Meghan is the soon-to-be Duchess of England, and will be joining the royal family, and the more we learn about her, the more we love her.

Markle started her activism young, when she was in elementary school. Assigned a social studies assignment to watch television commercials and asses their meanings, Markle noticed a Procter & Gamble commercial saying some racist things.

The ad uses the word “women” rather than “people” in it’s line, “Women all over America are fighting greasy pots and pans.”

In a 2015 UN speech, she said, “When I was just 11 years old, I unknowingly and somehow accidentally became a female advocate.”

“I remember feeling shocked and angry and also just feeling so hurt. My 11-year-old self worked out that if I really wanted someone to hear, well then I should write a letter to the first lady. So off I went scribbling away to our first lady at the time, Hillary Clinton.”

After talking to her father about her feelings, she was told to write letters to a couple of big names, including Hilary Clinton, Gloria Allred, well known civil rights lawyer and of course, Procter and Gamble.

After a month, the slogan was changed, no doubt, due to 11-year-old Markle’s activism.

This lead Meghan to being featured on “Nick News” in 1993.

Her activism started young, and her humanitarianism has followed her well throughout the years. She is a women’s activist for the UN Women’s Political Participation and Leadership program, a platform which promotes equality throughout all sectors of women’s rights.

“It was at that moment that I realized the magnitude of my actions. At the age of 11, I had created my small level of impact by standing up for equality.”

Her strong reaction was due to two boys from her class that joked about women belonging in the kitchen,

“Two boys from my class said, ‘Yeah, that’s where women belong, in the kitchen. I remember feeling shocked and angry and also just feeling so hurt — it just wasn’t right and something needed to be done.”

With her many accomplishments as an actress, activist, and entrepreneur so far, Markle is sure to bring many changes and bridge a more wholesome relationship between the United States and the UN. It’s wonderful to watch you rise!