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North Korea is ready to get it poppin’ and you should be SHOOK

You might have thought it was quiet for North Korea’s missile testing program for these past two months. YOU THOUGHT WRONG!

In fact, today Kim Jong Un and his nation just gave the rest of the world something to worry about by testing their most powerful missile yet.

North Korea has launched an intercontinental ballistic missile which is capable of reaching the Beast Coast, hitting major metropolitan areas like NYC or Washington D.C.

To put this into perspective for you sheeple, the North Korean ICBM that was tested soared higher the International Space Station and splashed safely into the East sea.

Meaning the Hwasong-15 left the earth’s atmosphere and reentered without burning up. Well, this is HOT-BOY and Kim, duly noted!

North America is not the only continent at risk either. Remember that Europe is even closer to North Korea. But for some reason, they aren’t shook. Maybe because North Korea is strictly focusing on their archenemy, the United States.

Still, other countries now fear that any chance of halting the communist country from becoming a nuclear power has come to an end.

In an interview with ABC, political science professor Robert Kelly of the Pusan National University in South Korea, said,

“We know they were building to this. They got it no matter how badly we wanted to stop them… We are stuck. We have to adapt to North Korea as a nuclear power, and we will actually.”

But, other nations seem to disagree and it seems we are about to enter a missile pissing match.

South Korea let their sister country know what’s really good by launching three missiles in response to the North Korean ICBM launch.


Best believe President Trump (aka cousin Cheeto puff dust) said “this a situation we will handle.”

Depending on what America’s No. 1 fuckboy says or does I suggest you start stocking up on your water. You are going to need to start chugging bottles just to relax.

This shit is stressful AF.

UPDATE: Kim Jong-Un and the North Korean state media have released pictures of  their ICBM, Hwasong-15