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New marijuana studies degree could land you a $70k job out of college

If you’re looking to major in marijuana, the University of North Michigan has just the courses for you!

According to CNBC, students are taking level 400 courses such as “Biostatistics” and “Gas and Liquid Chromatography” in order to graduate with a degree in medicinal plant chemistry.

As the cannabis industry grows, the university has geared its attention towards next year’s anticipated Marijuana boom.

The DFP cites classes such as “organic chemistry, biochemistry, soils, biology, gas and liquid chromatography, biostatistics, genetics, accounting, financial management and perspectives on society,” to be part of the marijuana studies.

The program is a mix of the “finance, marketing, chemistry, biology, botany and horticulture” in the marijuana industry.

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The other major focus is marijuana treatments for illnesses ranging from anxiety to cancer.

Right now, NMU is the first school to dedicate its time and efforts into building a curriculum around a program that focuses on the business of the cannabis industry. 29 states have currently legalized marijuana to some extent.

The associate professor and head of the program, Brandon Canfield, told CNBC “We’re gaining students every week. With a full 12 months of recruitment, we expect that to grow.” Canfield added that this could land someone a job where the average yearly salary is $70,000.

The idea for the program started in 2016, after Canfield attended an American Chemistry Society meeting.

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Alex Roth, student at NMU, told the Detroit Free Press,

“When people hear what my major is, there are a lot of people who say, ‘Wow, cool, dude. You’re going to get a degree growing marijuana.’ It’s not an easy degree at all.”

Roth has his own reasons for the degree. He shared with DFP that he had a close friend who was born with a gene mutation that left her “visually impaired, gripped by seizures and unable to walk.” Roth explained,

“The family started using the non-intoxicating cannabinoid oils to treat the seizures and the child is now sleeping better, has fewer seizures and has begun strengthening her legs in a bouncing chair… It is a legitimate medicine and it’s helping people. And that makes it more real for me.”

After earning their degree, students are qualified analysts. They will be able to work in a laboratory and research marijuana related studies.

It’s pretty cool to see these things becoming normalized in our culture. Hopefully the study of marijuana continues to grow and in turn offer more opportunities for business and medicine.

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