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Marches for Caribbeans, Black and Trans lives standing in solidarity

A weekend of rallies and marches throughout Brooklyn and New York City this past weekend has set the city on fire.

Thousands gathered for many different marches for reasons all about the Black Lives Matter movement. On Saturday, groups march for Freedom from Time Square down to City hall in efforts to encourage voting. Another group of roughly ten thousand people gathered and marched for Black Excellence from Grand Army Plaza into Manhattan.

Sunday was a day of Liberation for the Black Trans community coming together in the thousands at Brooklyn Museum in a sea of white to represent solidarity as they protested a silent march into the island of Manhattan.

And just up the road, the Black Caribbean community gathered as they celebrated their uprising and liberation, in support of Black Lives Matter, which gave a Labor Day preview, as the flags of Caribbean countries could be seen and music could be heard in the surrounding area, and people danced in a group of hundreds to thousands of people later in the evening.

We Rally For Justice

As the city was hit with familiar summer weather, primed for day outings am d beach day-cations, forgoing the opportunity many chose to be a part of a much more heated issue that has been an important stepping stone and ongoing need for equal justice, respect, and equity for Black lives here in America, since the inception of America.

As the different groups gathered the message was still the same. Black Lives Matter and they are to be seen, recognized, and most definitely heard. Not a step was wasted in these marches, and voices of organizers and supporters were heard loud and clear.

Freedom March NYC

The Freedom March on Saturday morning was lead by activist and organizer, Chelsea Miller, Columbia alumni, and her 17-year-old protege, Nia White. They were supported by fellow Columbia alum, Ty Holmes, activist Mario Rosser, and Sam White, as well as Plus1Vote founder and activist Saad Amer.

Marching from Times Square down to City Hall, they chanted and had moments of silence for those who have lost their lives to senseless white nationalist violence and police brutality.

The time spent at City Hall was focused around Chelsea’s plan to better Black communities through legislation, also conveying the importance of voting and encouraging others to do the same in their communities.

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