MagellanTV’s documentary Juneteenth playlist educates the world
It is no secret that the books we were taught have deprived us of Black history and the reality of its human rights violations. So, it is up to us to learn about “humanity’s” most guarded secrets. For that, MagellanTV has curated a Juneteenth playlist of Black documentaries.
This past year has been incredibly challenging in all sorts of ways. Not only did we need to find constant adjustments to all the radical changes that were happening in society, but we had to take some introspective time to unlearn much of the racist manners that we unconsciously inherit.
MagellanTV’s Juneteenth playlist teems with knowledge we can all use to better ourselves.
Monumental Crossroads: Heritage, History, and Hate
Throughout a 6,000 mile road-trip through the former Conference, the documentary explores the legacy of Southern Heritage. It shows a myriad of supporters and opponents along the way. Released in 2018, directed by Tim Van Den Hoff.
The documentary is available for free at MagellanTV from June 18 – June 20.
Against All Odds: The Fight For a Black Middle Class with Bob Herbert
Using historical footage and personal interviews, journalist Bob Herbet, explores the heroic efforts of black families to pursue the American dream despite the obstacles and setbacks that have emerged from the Jim Crow era through the Great Recession.
Against All Odds is a documentary that drastically portrays the difficulties that the African-American middle class has faced while establishing and maintaining middle-class living standards.
MagellanTV is also offering this documentary for free on their websites from June 18 to June 20.
Nat Turner and the Slave Rebellion of 1831
Nat Turner and the Slave Rebellion of 1831 is a documentary that follows a watershed event in America’s history of racial conflict. It foreshadows the things to come in the outbreak of the Civil War.
This groundbreaking documentary tells the story of that violent confrontation and its impact on the still relatively new nation.
A Ripple of Hope
Released in 2008 and directed by Donald Boggs, it is a documentary that detailing Robert Kennedy’s famous speech in Indianapolis on the night Martin Luther King was killed.
Kennedy’s speech was a moving and extemporaneous plea for peace and reconciliation. And Boggs does a great job at capturing this extraordinary and often-misunderstood moment in American history.
Jayhawkers: The True Story Of Phog Allen And Wilt Chamberlain
Oscar-winner director, Kevin Willmott, tales a powerful story of a small group of unlikely allies modernized college sports and changed a small Midwestern town. Jayhawkers serve as a parallel to the Civil Rights movement that would later transform the entire history.
Race for Justice
Directed by Shahram Hashemi, Race for Justice tells the story of three remarkable women.
The stories of a high school teacher, an attorney from Chicago, and a grieving daughter whose father was killed by a police officer, unfold as these three remarkable women come together to fight for acceptance and justice amidst a burgeoning national debate over race and police brutality.
Looking back and striving forward
One year has gone by since BLM protests occurred all over the United States. Derek Chauvin and many of the policemen involved in the deaths of Gorge Floyd are now serving their sentences. And, although nothing will ever pay justice for what they did, at least we know that the world now is talking towards a different, perhaps safer, direction.
The government has finally acknowledged all the pain and difficulty that the Black community has suffered by declaring Juneteenth a national holiday, but there still is so much more to learn. And much more to be done. Get started with MagellanTv’s Juneteenth playlist.