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LiAngelo Ball and UCLA players freed after… Donald Trump helped?

Donald Trump apparently spoke to Chinese President Xi Jinping about the shoplifting case involving 3 UCLA freshmen basketball players, including LiAngelo Ball.

Trump wanted Xi Jinping to find a resolution to the case in which the 3 players shoplifted from a Louis Vuitton store in Hangzhou last week.

Now, with the players reportedly on their way back to the United States, it seems a resolution has been reached.

Trump told reporters as he heads back to Washington after almost two weeks in Asia,

“They’re working on it right now. Hopefully everything is going to work out”

LiAngelo Ball, the middle brother of the infamous Ball family, provoked somewhat of an international incident after stealing from a Chinese mall.

According to the Washington Post, a crime like this usually merits jail time, but the players have seen their punishment trimmed. From the Post,

“The fact the players are teenagers could reduce the severity of the punishment, as could their cooperation to try to make the situation right. Doing so could include admitting wrongdoing, as well as providing compensation for the stolen goods.”

LiAngelo’s father LaVar’s outspoken nature obviously adds another layer to this story and he said last week that he wasn’t too worried about his son’s arrest, “Everyone’s making it a big deal. It ain’t that big a deal.”

Surely having the President of the United States get involved in the ordeal makes it a big deal. Regardless, it seems like Trump actually helped out, this may actually be the first kind of OK thing Trump has done in office.

LiAngelo’s big bro Lonzo was upbeat about his little brother’s situation,

“Hopefully [Trump] helps him, and everything works out. When I talked to my dad and my little brother, it seemed like everything was going fine, so I assume everything is going cool out there.”

LaVar and the youngest Ball have travelled to China where they will have a pop-up for their Big Baller Brand, in typical fashion the Balls have created a bunch of hype around the event.