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La La has advice for all the NYC strippers on strike: ‘Ride the wave’

La La has got something to say to the NYC strippers speaking out about the current strike that is happening throughout New York City.

The Power star shared some realness with Page Six about exotic dancing saying,

“I know that scene well… I have always been taught not to judge. Everyone is trying to make a living and do what is best for them. You do not know what happened in a person’s journey and what led them to that. It could be a lot of things. So I never point the finger at anyone for what they are doing. I went to high school with girls who are strippers, and they are doing very well.”

This issue has come up recently, especially after Queen Cardi B brought up how the treatment of strippers has always been wrong.

It’s annoying

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While the strippers of New York are getting full support from all angles, La La continued sharing her views with Page Six. She also had some advice in regards to the age a woman should consider no longer dancing.

“The cutoff age, I would say, maybe 40. I will say ride the wave as long as you can!”

Ironically enough, La La was involved in a stripper scandal just a couple of months ago when it was alleged that her husband Carmelo Anthony knocked up a dancer during his time with the Knicks. Still, she understands the game.

It’s been revealed that the major problem strippers are having is bartenders stealing their tips.

La La tells the publication,

“I try to be equal to the strippers and bartenders — but my limit is a $1,000.”

Strippers have joined the many groups and organizations fighting for equality in their workplace, and together they have created an alliance that will hopefully give them the results they’re looking for.

Dancers have a job, just like the rest of us.