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Kaepernick’s case claims that NFL owners and Trump have been plotting on him

Colin Kaepernick’s collusion case against the NFL may rely on the words of President Trump.

The former 49ers quarterback filed a grievance complaint against the NFL last Sunday, and while many have noted that the manner in which Kaepernick remains unemployed is wrong on a basic level, his legal team has to prove that NFL owners have actively colluded against him.

Kaepernick’s grievance ascertains that NFL owners have mutually agreed not to employ the quarterback:

“During the 2017 NFL season and continuing to the present, the NFL, by and through all NFL team owners, NFL employees, and team employees, have entered into and enforced, implied and/or express agreements to specifically deprive Claimant Colin Kaepernick from employment in the NFL, as well as from practicing with and/or trying out for NFL teams for which Mr. Kaepernick is eminently qualified.”

Trump’s role in all of this stems from comments he made at a rally in Alabama back in September when he called players who protest during the national anthem “sons of bitches” that should be fired. Trump continued to tweet about player protests, calling out commissioner Roger Goodell for “trying to justify the total disrespect of certain players show to our country.”

Kaepernick’s grievance specifically cites Trump’s comments as well as Vice President Mike Pence’s staged walkout a couple weeks ago. The quarterback’s complaint points to owners that “have been quoted describing their communications with President Trump, who had been an organizing force in the collusion.”

When Jerry Jones ordered his players to stand, Trump tweeted his support for the decision, claiming that he had spoken to the Dallas Cowboys owner about player protests.

This is a notable development in Kaepernick’s case against the NFL. He has to be able to prove that NFL owners have conspired against him to keep him out of the league.

Looking around the league and seeing the type of quarterbacks that are currently starting, it would appear that Kaepernick’s case is pretty solid on merit, but proving that owners actively plotted against him may prove difficult.

Kaepernick’s complaint claims that it is a “statistical impossibility that Mr. Kaepernick has not been employed or permitted to try out for any NFL team since the initiation of his free agency period.”

A statistical impossibility indeed.

Colin Kaepernick is vastly superior to a majority of starting quarterbacks in the NFL, this is a fact.

If he can prove that NFL owners, with the input of President Trump, have come together in order to keep him out of the league it will be a massive legal victory for the quarterback who once came within one play of winning the Super Bowl.