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Johnny Depp makes weird ass joke about assassinating President Trump

Johnny Depp is on one.

With controversy swirling around the actor with revelations of abuse of his now-ex-wife Amber Heard, Depp is now facing more scrutiny after making comments about assassinating President Trump.

While introducing a screening of his film The Libertine on Thursday at the Glastonbury arts festival, Depp asked the crowd, “Can you bring Trump here?”

As the New York Times reports, “The remark was met with booing and jeering,” to which Depp responded,

“You misunderstand completely. When was the last time an actor assassinated a president? I want to clarify: I’m not an actor. I lie for a living. However, it’s been awhile, and maybe it’s time.”

Depp seemed to realize that these comments would cause a stir,

“By the way, this is going to be in the press and it’ll be horrible. It’s just a question; I’m not insinuating anything.”

The Pirates of the Caribbean star seemed to be alluding to the 1865 murder of President Abraham Lincoln by actor John Wilkes Booth.

Depp’s comments were met with outrage from Trump supporters, calling for a boycott of the actor’s movies.

Others saw Depp’s comments as an obvious attempt at humor and shouldn’t have been taken seriously.

Others saw the hypocrisy of Trump supporters attacking Depp and the left, what with Trump admitting to sexual assault on tape and the active oppression of sexual assault victims under the proposed GOP healthcare bill.

This whole thing is a mess.

Johnny Depp, who seems to be a huge scumbag if these domestic abuse allegations are true, made a really dumb and weird comment.

Is he some sort of hero of The Resistance for making this dumb joke? No. Is Depp a bloodthirsty terrorist for saying this? No.

Realistically, Johnny Depp is a completely irrelevant figure. I can’t recall the last actually good film he starred in and he seems to have lost his marbles.

Let’s all save our outrage and excitement for people that are actually doing stuff that matters, good and bad.