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Joaquin Phoenix’s Golden Globes speech calls for Hollywood to do better

Joaquin Phoenix won the Golden Globe for Best Actor in a Drama Motion Picture, for his job playing Arthur Fleck in The Joker.

The beloved Phoenix is often overlooked for his transcendent works, works where he transforms so seamlessly into often dark and troubled characters. But last night, he was celebrated.

As he ascended the stairs to accept the award, we were all oblivious to the reality that Phoenix was going to gift us with one of the greatest acceptance speeches ever.

“Fellow nominees, we all know there’s no best f*cking actor,” Phoenix boldly declared, though NBC bleeped out the final three words.

“I’m inspired by you. I just can’t believe the beautiful, mesmerizing, unique work that you’ve all done this year, and I know people say this, but I really do feel honored to be mentioned with you,” he continued, stammering as he looked for the right words to correctly express his love and admiration for his fellow stars.

Hollywood is its own little bubble, and while the inner circle of celebrities that wine, dine, and live in the 213 care about the less fortunate, and used their platforms and acceptance speeches last night to address the issues plaguing our nation and world, Phoenix urged them all to do more. Whilst pledging to do the same.

“It’s really nice that so many people have come up and sent their well wishes to Australia. But we have to do more than that.”


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“I have not always been a virtuous man. I am learning so much. I think together hopefully we can be unified and actually make some changes – it’s great to vote, but sometimes we have to take that responsibility on ourselves, and make changes and sacrifices in our own lives. We don’t have to take private jets to Palm Springs sometimes or back, please,” said Phoenix.

Of course, the music started to play over his words, signaling the show wanted him to wrap up.

Phoenix wasn’t the only one of the night to call on Hollywood to be better. The host of the 77th Annual Golden Globes, Ricky Gervais, took a much more critical approach in his words against the people in the room.

In his opening monologue, he said, “You’re in no position to lecture the public about anything. You know nothing about the real world. So, if you win, right, come up, accept your little award, thank your agent and your god, and fuck off.”

Joaquin Phoenix wasn’t the host of the show, so he wasn’t compelled to make jokes. He called on the elite (himself included) to make small, basic changes in their lives that can have a lasting positive impact on this planet.

Earlier in his speech, he thanked the Hollywood Foreign Press for switching to a vegan meal for the ceremony, thanking them for “recognizing and acknowledging the link between animal agriculture and climate change.”

The Joker star also thanked the director of Joker, Todd Phillips, for putting up with him and being a friend. “I’m such a pain in the ass. I am so indebted to you,” said Phoenix. He also thanked his wife Rooney Mara and told her he loves her.

Phoenix’s kind words and grounded disposition make him one of the G.O.A.T.s in Hollywood.

He is appreciated by many, but it is speeches like he made at the Golden Globes that really separate him from the rest of the pack in Hollywood. Every movie he is in is a hit because of him, and now every award show he attends is the same.

“I’ll try to do better and I hope you will too. Thank you so much for putting up with me. I’m so grateful for this night and all of you, thank you,” he concluded.

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