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‘Jessica Jones’ is in its final season: Will it rekindle vibes from season one?

The Jessica Jones final season trailer dropped. Considering the disappointment of season 2 of JJ and the rolling disappointments of other favorites like Luke Cage season 2, one wonders if it’s worth watching the finale at all.

What made Jessica Jones first season so good was the convincing villain Kilgrave (David Tennent), the themes of sexual assault without unnecessary gratuitous rape scenes and the believable character development.

Season 2 fell short, with lacking action scenes (which is odd for a Marvel show), weird family drama as conflict and rushed portrayal of opioid addiction, and too many useless characters.

Jessica Jones season 3 trailer hints at the overall theme of Jessica’s hero status.

They brought back a male villain who is said to be very smart, smarter than Jessica and Trish combined. The villain Gregory Salinger is hellbent on proving that Jessica is not a hero? And that she’s actually a ‘fraud’? I guess we’ll find out what that means.

Also, there are no distinct feminist themes in sight in this trailer. A disappointment we already went through with season 2’s lack of real women’s issues commentary. Will Jessica Jones’ conflict with this new villain spark some kind of dialogue about gender? Or will season 1 live in infamy as the best Jessica Jones story?

At least we know that Jeri is still in the show, maybe she’ll save it again like last season when she was the only character with a good arch. But then again, she was based on a male character in the comics, so maybe the writers are having trouble writing female roles.

Nonetheless, we also have Malcolm to look forward to who’s been working for Jeri. He’s very likely to butt heads with Jessica who disrespected him almost every episode last season.

Will Jessica Jones bring back powerful feminist themes? Or will the villain plot focus more on existential questions of what is a hero?

Only one way to find out. The full final season drops June 14 on Netflix.