Instagram may be dubbing the 3×3 grid for 4×4 and now everyone’s tight
Is Instagram trying to fuck up their users’ aesthetic? A new test update from the photo platform last week, which showed they are changing the grid from 3×3 to 4×4, just might.
Instagram, you better stop playing games. We’ve built out our profiles for seven years on a 3×3 grid. Now you want to just crush the photographic creativity all of us have worked so hard to maintain? We think not.
Is everyone else's Instagram doing this?! My whole grid looks off now! Yo @instagram can we discuss this? pic.twitter.com/SPIxGNtVI8
— Kenny Morifi-Winslow (@KennyJMW) September 12, 2017
The test came in lieu of the iPhones 8 and X debuts. Instagram hasn’t said that the update is permanent but that it was just some sort of sick, twisted, and demented experiment.
Fader guessed, “Following the announcement of the new, even bigger iPhone, the app might simply be trying to adapt to bigger screens”
First of all, FOH! Second of all, we are all unhinged AF. Third of all, Instagram please don’t change your layout.
Literally NO ONE wants your shitty ass 4 tile grid. Get the fuck outta here! We are sick of your shitty updates!! @instagram
— Peter-James (@PeterJMski) September 20, 2017
All of the artists out there better get ready for their profiles to look like a fucked up sliding puzzle.
Users who just figured out how to make three, six, or nine images into one are the sickest. Say goodbye to your creative promotions.
I guess this is what happens when Instagram is life. Peep what Insta user Palash Prabhaker, told The Ringer,
“It’s been over a year that I’ve been formatting my Instagram in a multiple of three posts. I play with the overall look of my profile. I never had a design planned for my Instagram….”
Prabhaker continued to express his frustration,
“Messing with the grid view would mean that I will have to curate my Instagram again from the start with a constant fear of Instagram changing the layout again.”
Better start getting used to the shook life Palash. Instagram can do whatever they want.
They all know we’re still going to fuck with the app even if they do decide to go through with the update.
Instagram is too fire.