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How to maintain focus on the bigger picture: 3 tips to staying locked in

We’re all chasing something. Whether you’re an aspiring photographer, entrepreneur, athlete, student, etc., there will always be a personal accomplishment to surmount.

No matter how strong the conviction we may have about said ambitions, however, it always seems as if keeping focus and seeing them through tends to be the biggest issue.

You see it all the time: people grow old with regret every day. With life shouldering the blame as a scapegoat, individuals defer to what they couldn’t control for never doing what they always wanted.

An interim job to keep the lights on, an ailing family member that needs your assistance, or even a lack of resources, are just some of the possible deterrents that can make maintaining focus on larger goals complicated, but that doesn’t mean they have to rule your life.

There are ways to walk the thin line of balancing your life responsibilities and the life you’re chasing. There are ways to track your focus, continually make steps toward your dreams, and make sure you still want it. You can stay locked into the big picture, even while still handling other smaller ones. And it all starts with self-awareness.

Always stay self-aware

A huge key to staying locked in is remembering to keep the main thing you’re chasing the main thing over time. A lot of times when we get lost in the throws of the day-to-day, it’s because we’ve lost sight of the vision.

When we keep where we want to go in front of us were more likely to do the everyday things it takes to get there. Our job is to consistently evaluate our attention to what that goal is.

Being self-aware allows us to asses where we are versus where we want to be. It gives us a realistic view of what we need to do right now, which organizes our thoughts and then our actions.

It’s easier to remain focus when you have a clear idea of what needs to be done. It helps alleviate anxiety and chip away at dreams a day at a time, not to mention the sense of accomplishment we’ll get in doing so.

Never let yourself get bored

A great way to keep tabs on how your focus level is to evaluate your to-do list. If you’re not where you want to be, that means there is something you can be doing to get there.

If you want to challenge and fine tune your focus, just asses what you can do in the short-term.

We get so caught up in the complexities of the big-picture moments, that we overlook the baby steps in front of us that we can be taken. All progress matters and sometimes getting the ball rolling starts with a little push.

Loss of focus sometimes is nothing more than lack of direction. Assess where you are in juxtaposition to where you want to be, figure out what it takes to get there, then get to work.

There’s always something you can do today, it’s just a matter of figuring out what it is.

Check your desire

A good way to redefine your level of focus is to make sure you still want the same things.

It’s perfectly okay to decide you want something else for your life, but a lot of times we’re ignorant to that fact because we don’t give ourselves the space to realize it.

When we fail to acknowledge the shifting priorities in our life we jeopardize being trapped in a chase that we’ll never win. Only when our desires are in line with what we’re chasing can we ensure our focus remains sharp.

Focus fuels hustle, and hustle creates success. Nothing bad ever came to anyone who worked hard, and when you’re locked in, working hard is something you can ensure is always being done.