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How to grow weed at home just like a true Jamaican would


So, you have decided to grow your own weed. Jolly good! You will soon be part of a fast-expanding movement. The practice of marijuana cultivation at home is spreading around the globe.

You can grow your cannabis year-round in greenhouses or inside, which you can do all year long. Weed is a hardy plant that can grow in varying climates, all year round, all year.

Cannabis Is Your Friend

Understanding the basics of growing cannabis is a good starting point for your cannabis-growing adventure. 

Note that applying for a medical marijuana card in Utah is the only way to obtain cannabis from pharmacies; patients are not allowed to grow their own marijuana in the state. But if you have a grow license from the state, you can follow these basic steps to become a successful cannabis grower.

Step 1: Choose Your Cannabis Seeds

Cannabis Seeds

You have many options; Indica, ruderalis, Sativa, and several hybrids, all just a click away. Choose according to your personal preferences. Which strains have made your heart dance for joy before? Which strains have given a satisfactory remedy for your medical condition? Starting here seems reasonable.

Step 2: The Basics of Cannabis

The basics are to grow fast and bless you with juicy buds, your beloved cannabis needs.

Lighting: For healthy germination/growth, cannabis needs more than twelve hours of photosynthetic light every twenty hours. Inside, you can control it with timers.

The growing environment: You can use different types of soil in your growers, indoors and outdoors. But the land is not your only choice. There are neutral media, depending entirely on a supply of nutrients, such as vermiculite, perlite, coconut, or rock wool.

Air: For its strength and good gas exchange, cannabis needs ventilated grow environments. Outdoors, your plants will be exposed to the right wind and breeze. Indoors, you will need to provide your plants with a supply of fresh air. You can use a fan or an air extractor for air circulation.

Water: Like other living things, marijuana needs moisture to grow, flourish and perform internal biological functions. Your outdoor plantation will receive everything from nature if you live in an area with regular rainfall.

Temperature: Marijuana is a hardy plant that can survive both heat and cold as well. Even so, the plants can be stressed out and not perform well in extremes. 27 degrees Celsius is the ideal point for vigorous growth.

Nutrients: Like animals or humans, cannabis also needs food to live. A good, crumbly soil rich in compost, minerals, and living organisms, can provide your marijuana plants with sufficient nourishment throughout their life cycle.

Humidity: Whether growing weed indoors or outdoors, well-balanced moisture allows for a healthy environment without pests or mold.

Step 3: Lights for Indoor Growing Cannabis

Culture cabinets: There are sophisticated grow cabinets that are cannabis-friendly and made for ready use. Fans, lights, and separate compartments for the clone, carbon filters, and carbon are all included.

CFL AND LED lights: At the bottom of the spectrum, you have the rudimentary but very powerful CFL lamps (Compact Fluorescent Lamps) or LED panels (Electro-Luminescent Diode), not more than 290 USD. 

Other fluorescent lights, such as T5 lights, come in different spectra for vegetation and flowering and are designed for small spaces.

Step 4: Germination and Young Cannabis Shoots

The seeds only germinate when three specific conditions are present, as explored above. You can plant the seeds in a paper towel, directly into the environment, in rock wool or water.

When Is My Cannabis Mature?

When covered in an abundance of trichomes, the pistils curl up and change color. Orange, mauve, brown, or red can even appear depending on the species. The flower clusters become so swollen that they look like they have been turned upside down.

There are signs that your hard work is beginning to pay off. For a more broadened cannabinoid profile, harvest when the trichomes are 60-80% amber.