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How the Mutant Soldiers NFTs are becoming the next blue-chip project

The rise in the market of non-fungible tokens is a story that has captured the attention of billions in a short time. One such innovation in these collectibles is the Mutant Soldiers NFTs collection.

The uniqueness of the technology has led to heavy surges in numbers. According to highly credible market estimates, the market size for NFTs touched US$41 billion by the end of 2021.

To get a sense of how significant this size is: the market size of conventional art and antiques that have taken hundreds of years to grow is US$50 billion.

What appears even more exciting is that this market of NFTs is showing no signs of decline. The globally revered investment bank Jefferies believes that the market will cross US$80 billion by 2025. 

One of the core reasons that drive growth in this segment is the diversity of opportunities. The potential that NFT offers is something that every industry segment is keen to leverage.

Innovators in the field are excited. The uniqueness of services and products they are bringing in are hard to resist for the users, causing massive encouragement for investors to pump in funds. One such innovation in NFT collectibles is the Mutant Soldiers collection.

Mutant Soldiers by The Endless Expanse  

The 10,000 unique NFTs by the Endless Expanse is the first NFT collection of the Endless Expanse. These items are mutated super-soldiers, born as a result of biological, robotic, nanotech, and radioactive experiments.

Apart from opening up a world of mysterious and powerful mutants, this collection comes with many other privileges and advantages. 

The Benefits of Holding Mutant Soldiers

Holding the Mutant Soldiers imply free access to TradersSynergy, a sophisticated trading group focused on crypto assets. It helps investors present in its ecosystem to move to the next level.

Secondly, proceeds generated from its sale help thrive high-potential projects, businesses, and crypto ventures as investments. Holders benefit by receiving a percentage of the profits.

The project airdrops this profit directly, at frequent intervals, into users’ crypto wallets.

Ownership Tiers

Endless Expanse has well-formulated plans to continue with its collection of NFTs. After the revelation of the first series, the platform will release its second NFT collection and create a whitelist for the most involved Mutant Soldiers holders.

Eventually, it will take the entire concept to the Metaverse with charts and technical analyses. It will invite external traders and financial advisors, encouraging a cross-domain ecosystem of opportunities from all domains.

Based on the ownership tier a holder belongs to, the levels of benefits will grow. For instance, getting an entry to the first collection will imply a chance to get in on the first fundraising round, where eighty percent of the funds goes directly into a hedge fund system. 

There are three tiers of benefits according to the number of NFTs a user holds. The holders of 1 NFT from the series will qualify for 0.005 percent of benefits, while the holders of 5 NFTs will be eligible for 0.03 percent of benefits.

The highest tier of benefits – so far – is for the holders of 10 NFTs, who will receive 0.065 percent of benefits. It implies that if the project earns US$100,000 in two weeks, the holders of 10 NFTs will earn US$100,000*0.065=US$65. If we look at the total sum disbursed, the project gives more than 50% of its income back to the holders. 

Track Your Investments and Gains Seamlessly 

The users will have a personalized dashboard with all investment-related information in one place. Participants would see their profits directly in their dashboard.

What offers more trust and credibility and trust to the tracking system is that both holders and non-holders can view the data. The airdropping of tokens will happen on Sundays at an interval of two weeks.

Endless Expanse will have its DAO and merchandise collection in the days to come. We will see releases with 80 percent of initial sales combined with 20 royalties added to the treasury.

The holders will also qualify to vote to decide on the nature of algorithmic changes, the financial updates, and the expansion of the ecosystem. 

To know more about the Mutant Soldiers collection, one can check the project’s Twitter, Instagram, or Discord accounts. The price of each NFT is 0.08 ETH. One can mint up to 5 Mutant Soldiers per transaction on the public sale.