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How does Jackson, Mississippi still not have clean water?

America the great – I believe it to be. But still, there is consistent evidence that America does not care about many of its residents. For people (mostly Black people) in Jackson, Mississippi, and Flint, Michigan, who are still without clean water, this must feel like the case.

Flint, Michigan has been a town without clean water for nearly a decade. The city’s nearly $100M project to destroy all lead pipes has nearly been completed. Still, residents must amend their amenities by alternative means to receive clean water. And the same goes now for residents of Jackson, MS.

What is our current country status?

Since when has it become alright to let reasonable people go without? The more that capitalism swallows our prideful principles, the more that America morphs into a third-world country. America does not treat itself or its people well and exists with many self-serving tendencies. 

So maybe it isn’t too much to ask for a thriving nation to grant access to clean water in every one of its active cities. Unfortunately, another leak has sprouted as this year continues to reveal the rust on our foundation. Jackson, Mississippi, and Flint Michigan need clean water. Plain and simple.

Awful winter storm damages Jackson, MS’s clean water

The issue in Jackson, Mississippi resembles the Texas power storm grid disaster. The infrastructure in play is not equipped to handle the current stress the system is experiencing. 

In mid-February, a harsh and late-season snowstorm did a number on the city of Jackson, MS. On February 17, the city created a boil water notice and was forced to shut down its water supply for a period of time. This left more than 70,000 residents of Jackson without access to clean water.

The lack of clean water situation was harrowingly similar to that in Flint.

jackson clean water
Jackson, Miss. residents are struggling with access to a basic human right.

Today, the water is nowhere near its daily standard capacity with reports of only 37 lbs of pressure per sq. inch being pumped through the pipes as opposed to a successful 90 lbs of pressure per sq. inch. 

Issues as heinous as this one make us beg the question as to where our priorities lie? I know everyone always has something to complain about and it takes so much to make us happy. But, it seems like running water is something that should be handled with greater preparation and alternative gameplans.

The world unravels in layers

Regardless, we are entering the craziest decade in history and I hope that these extracurricular happenings do not continue to become commonplace. If these extraordinary events such as increased natural disasters occur at growing rates, people are harmed and humanity suffers.

Events like these lead into vicious cycles because not only does it represent uncontrollable climate change but also accelerated natural selection which increases our reliance upon corporations. 

People in this situation are now being forced to shovel funds to plastic processing water companies at an excess rate. 

As time goes by, it will become harder and harder to live fairly in a capitalist society.

The Jackson, MS water storm caused a lot of burst pipes and left many Americans with their hands dry and itchy. Looking for an emergency fund, many Americans had to resort to boiling water or buying bottled water at an extreme markup. 

According to journalist Sarah Fowler, the scene in the city looks like, “a whole lot of neighbors helping neighbors.” There has not been a determined date for when the city will reach the desired water pressure to fulfill its obligations.

With more and more happenings in our world, it seems as if we must take the good with the bad. Throughout life, it may be true that winning only occurs when the pros outweigh the cons. The question remains, what fuels those in power’s motivations?